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      Duncan Quagmire watched as the shy girl named Renesmee was pushed down by Carmelita Spats, which was normal for Carmelita, but instead of Renesmee moving over, she fell down all her papers scattering.

"Cake sniffer!" Carmelita spat at her, before skipping away.

"Mouth Breather." Renesmee muttered, as Duncan started gathering the scattered papers.  Renesmee looked up, brushing off the dust that was all over her tights. "Please don't throw those away!" She cried, remembering the last time someone grabbed her papers and threw them away, causing the teachers to get at her. "I need those."

Duncan stopped for a moment, this girl thought he was going to bully her. He turned around to look the blue eyed girl in the face, as he gave her a soft smile. "Don't worry, I won't, I just thought that you would like some help."

"Oh, thank you." She said, and released a small smile back. "I'm Renesmee, Renesmee Grace."

"I'm Duncan, Duncan Quagmire." He replied.

"One of the Orphan triplets." She said.
"How did you know that I was a triplet?" He asked, shocked.

"Oh, my mom and dad talked about how they missed the Quagmires and their triplets, atleast, they did, until..." She trailed off at the end, think about their grim death.

"Until?" Duncan asked, curiousity sparking in his eyes.

"They perished in a terrible fire." She said.

"So you're the new orphan in the orphan shack." Duncan said.

"Yes, but I have been here long before my parents died, they just couldn't pay this year." Renesmee said.

Renesmee stood, reaching for the papers Duncan had in his hands.

"Oh, right." He said, giving her the papers.

"thank you." She said, before tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She looked down. "So, see you later Duncan Quagmire?" She asked.

"Yes, see you later Renesmee Grace." 


Renesmee sat, alone picking at the food. Hearing Carmelita walking, Renesmee quickly shoves her food away, so that Carmelita can't push her face into the horrible food. It was easy to tell when Carmelita was near you. She constantly wore tap shoes and was always yelling.

"Ew, why are you eating that? Aren't you fat enough?" Carmelita said, making a disgusted face. Renesmee was one of her favorite victims considering Renesmee never fought back.

Renesmee looks down, her long brown hair falling in her eyes trying to ignore the other girl.

"Hello, I'm talking to you!" Carmelita said, stomping her foot.

"What do you want Carmelita? You already insulted me." Renesmee said quietly just wanting the girl to leave her alone.

"For you to go away! You have no friends, and no one likes you!" She spat, before slamming Renesmee's head down on the table, before skipping away. A small groan escaping Renesmee's lips.

"That looked like it hurt." Duncan's voice said.

Renesmee jumped, before picking her head up seeing the Quagmires in front of her.

"You shouldn't let her walk all over you." Isadora Quagmire said, sitting down.
"I've tried..." Renesmee said, as she rubbed her head.

"Oh." Isadora said.
"Yeah, but that didn't lead anywhere except for two guys picking her side and giving me a bloody nose and a black eye." Renesmee said.

"Here's your food" Duncan said, before pushing her tray towards her.
"I'd rather not eat that..." She said, and pushed it off to the side.

"Okay." Duncan said.
Renesmee still was looking down.

"Are you okay Renesmee?" Duncan asked, placing a hand on top of hers, but Renesmee quickly pulled her hand away.

"I'm fine, but I have to go." Renesmee lied and ran away.

"So that's the mysterious Renesmee you were talking about." Isadora said.

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