FINAL A/N!!!!!!

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Hi guys.

It's been a hot minute. I appreciate the support on this book so much. It's actually inspired me to rewrite it. So I'm glad to announce that a rewrite is on it's way!!!

However, it's going to look quite different from this story. As much as I love this story, I really had no direction for it. This rewrite is all planned out except for the ending because I am terrible at endings XD.

Anyways, I decided to take a somewhat modern route with the story. It will still be at the school like this story is, the only difference is that I am more mature and I like to believe that so is my writing.

Also, I have decided to change Renesmee's name in the rewrite. I wanted to give her something a bit different than a name from another book series.

I thank all of you who have stuck along this far and I hope you will join me in the rewrite. I plan on posting two chapters a month minimum. That way I don't feel pressured to get chapters out to you guys and that way, if I feel like posting more chapters I will. Just bare with me because the longest part will be the writing. The prologue of the rewrite will be out by tonight or tomorrow

Thank you again for all of your support. I love seeing that you guys like the book and I'm sorry I couldn't finish it properly. Hopefully the rewrite will be just as satisfying if not more.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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