With soft, lightly quivering movements, he opened the small cabinet to his right, taking a deep, quite loud breath at the thought of simply ending it all.
It was scary.
But he wasn't planning to stop here.

Taking out a small, shiny and sharp silver object, he took it in his hands and gulped at the anticipation of how it would feel to just...

He pulled up both his sleeves. There was a long line of perfectly alligned scars spread all over his left arm, but none on the wrist. It was dangerous to open a wound there. Life taking, perhaps.
This time though, he was not even trying to hold back from sliding the glistening razor over the most sensitive part. But he didn't do it just yet.

The paper he had written on before was still in his hand, and he gently put it on the washbasin on the only place where it wasn't washed over with drops of water. Good. That was good.

Nothing mattered anymore.
He couldn't hear the music in his mind, not even a lone F minor chord in the distance. Only screams that constantly reminded him of his worthlessness, his entire existence being a burden... The voices told him to do it. And he didn't know what else to do but believe them. After all, they were rational, wasn't that right?

Images flashed in his head. The death of his dear mother. The unfinished symphony she left for him... Someone else was going to finish it. But he wanted to join his mother on the other side.
His father. All the torturing words that man made him believe. Useless, pathetic, stupid... Oh, it was all so true. If it weren't, he wouldn't be slowly sliding down to the floor with a razor in his hand, crying and wishing to die.

At this point, he wasn't only screaming on the inside, but on the outside as well.

"You're worthless! You're fucking worthless, do you understand? What are you waiting for? Are you that pathetic that you can't just... Do it already?"

A loud sob tore from his throat as he wasn't able to wait any longer, sliding the sharp item over his wrist once, twice, three times...

Pain shot through his entire body, and he gasped, shutting his eyes tight on just a brief second.
He watched the blood drip down with blurry vision, and oh, it hurt so good.
"I can't live anymore!" He shouted, the words followed by an instinctive reaction of kicking the bath tub next to him with his foot. The harsh bang echoed through the bathroom, spreading onto the hallways as he cried, and cried, and didn't stop crying.

So close to passing out. His world was slowly dissolving in front of him, vision becoming lwss blurry and more... Nonexistent.

In less than a second, there was nothing but darkness. And in that last second, he sobbed out an almost incoherent, small...


- - -

"Did you hear something? I swear I heard a scream. And a bang."

Dylan Kirkland turned to his brothers Liam and Connor, all of them immediately focusing their attention to the origin of the sound they were now all sure appeared in the distance.

"I'm not sure but..." Connor frowned in perplexion. The only one home with them was Alfred - who promised to babysit, but instead ended up locking himself in the room after telling the three of them they can do whatever they want because he had more important things to do.
Matthew and Arthur were absent as well. They were assigned a project with a couple of other students from different classes that, apparently, needed to be started this afternoon.
Alice and John were called to work, not specifying where exactly they were going, but just quickly leaving the place.

All of them were scared to leave Alfred at home just like that, especially after him experiencing two panic attacks in the same day, but they deeply hoped that he would somehow entertain himself with the three.

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