Original Edition: Chapter 19

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For those who think there's no way out, remember that you are loved and ending your life won't solve your problem #RiseAbove campaign on Wattpad ♥

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For those who think there's no way out, remember that you are loved and ending your life won't solve your problem
#RiseAbove campaign on Wattpad

The Final Decision

"ARE YOU SURE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT, MY DEAR?" Father asked one more time. I knew he was reluctant to let me go. I would've felt the same way if the situation reversed. The world was cruel to our kind, The Stavros, just like the other gods and goddesses were cruel to my dad, Hades. Manipulation and years of brainwashing made them unable to see what was true and what wasn't.

When Heracles or known as Hercules by the world, was sent in a suicide mission by King Eurystheus to bring back Hades' mighty and ferocious pet dog as proof of his strength and fearlessness, who helped him through if not Hades. My father was the one who gave Hercules the permission to bring Cerberus as a trophy as long as the three-headed beast wouldn't be harmed. It was Hades who paid a visit to Hera, the culprit behind all these missions, and made it clear to her that there would be direct consequences for her if she would ever send Hercules on any such errand again.

However, the world believed what they wanted to believe, heard what they wanted to hear, and most of all they saw what they wanted to see. So, when they saw Hades with the Helm of Darkness, they simply associated dark with bad. Sure, Underworld wasn't exactly a tourist place, the place everyone wanted to visit but someone had to do it. Someone had to be there to get the job done, just like Poseidon with the sea and Zeus with the sky.

No one liked debt collector but debt must be collected and someone had to do it. Yet, no one saw this purpose and mechanism. Once they decided Hades was bad, they killed all the living Stavros. They even killed their own family who had a click with a Stavros. This was the real reason Pure Royals' numbers were smaller than the other Royal Families.

I let out a deep sigh and glanced up at my father. "Yes," my voice was fuelled with determination. I needed to stop hiding, I needed to go back and face him. I couldn't stay here now that I finally regained my memory. "He's waiting."

Hades waved his hand and in split second his sword was there in his hand. He looked at me with so much sadness that broke my heart. "Are you ready, my dear?"

A fleeting thought popped into my head. "Father, I need to ask you something else."

"By all means, my dear, ask and you shall have it."

I wrapped my arms around him, careful not to touch his sword. When I finally let go I gave him a small smile and said, "I want to go back as Camila Stavros or Avery Montgomery, whatever that poor girl's name is. And I don't want to lose my memory. I want to remember everything here. I want to remember you." My voice broke when I said the last part.

All these last thousand years, every time I went back to the world, I always forgot who I was here. A few times, I even hated myself for being the descendants of Hades when I was chased, captured, and tortured. Of course, when I went back to the Underworld, I remembered everything and my father, as forgiving as always, forgave me saying those words were unintentional.

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