Stuck on Lyoko; The New Girl (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"What are those?" I asked curious.

"Earplugs" he answered.

"Why do you have earplugs?"

"Maybe I'll you why one day" Ulrich said. What? Mmmm.... Maybe I snore I wondered. As usual I ate my breakfast and headed off to class.

"Allright class we will be taking the field trip today, I'll explain what you need to do after I introduce our new student" Mrs. Hertz said. A field trip, better than another test I'll be bound to fail.

"Class, this is Marie Ros'e Bonnet" Mrs. Hertz said. "Take a seat where ever you'd like to"

I looked up to see the most beatiful girl only about ten feet away from me. I've dated every girl in this grade and they all were beautiful, but there was something different about her. She walked past and sat two seats behind me.

"Allright class you need to bla bla bla on this field trip bla bla bla" Mrs. Hertz went on about the requirments. Something about drawing a couple pictures of plants, but to me it sounded like it was going to be a drag.

"You okay?" Ulrich whispered.

"Yeah I'm fine why?"

"You seem kinda spacey, like your off in your own little world" Ulrich said

"Am not I'm just thinking' I told him. Ulrich was about to say something, but it was time for the class to go to the park just outside of campus. Everyone split into groups, I grouped up with Ulrich, Jeremy and Aelita.

"You know we have to draw plants right?" Jeremy said.

"yeah, yeah I know" I said drawing a picture of Kewi, my dog, who I kept hidden in my dorm. Almost everyone knew about Kewi except the teachers of course.

"There" I said proudly displaying my work.

"Odd, you have to draw plants. Not your stupid mutt"

"Kewi's not stupid he's just easily distracted and really sensitive" I said defensively. Urlich laughed at the last statement. I drew a simple flower

"There, try drawing better than this" I said showing my drawing.

"Uh yeah no thanks" Ulrich said. Ha! I know for a fact that there's no way he could ever hope to draw better.

"See you could never draw something to match artistic skill" I said.

"You enjoy bragging don't you" Aelita said.

"Yep, but I wouldn't call it bragging I'd say... I'm anouncing that I have skills" I said.

"Which is bragging" Aelita said.

"Call it what you want to call it" I said folding my arms. Aelita started laughing, and Jeremy gave her a thumbs up. We continued walking through the park, which was more like a forest. I drew a couple more trees, a blade of grass, and a tree. There something simple, she said to draw plants and I did and made sure it was well detailed. I heared laughing in the distance, it was the new girl and some other girls. I looked back at the rest of my group. They were busy drawing something. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I took a quick break I though laughing quietly.


I drew a flower as best as I could and then drew a copy of it for Yumi. Ugh, maybe I can get Odd to draw me a flower.

"Where did Odd go?" Jeremy asked.

"Playing Romeo, what else" I told him pointing toward a group of girls. No doubt he was probaly using a cheesy pick-up line, and the girls would probaly slap him and leave. We quietly moved closer and watched to if he'd lose him or get one of them.

"Bonjour belles dames, n'est-ce pas une belle journee?" Odd said. (hello beautifull laides, isn't it a fine day?)

"Odd you really should just give up, I mean you've flirted with every girl on campus" the girl said.

"yeah, come one Marie you don't want to be around this guy. He's totaly disgusting" another girl said. Marie turned to follow. Her friends started talking to each other not really paying attention to Marie, and suprisingly Marie turned around and came back.

"Thought he'd loose her" Jeremy whispered.

"Odd is something else I tell you" I whispered back.

"Oui c'es,t ce qui est votre nom?" Marie said. (yes it is, what is your name?) Odd smiled.

"Je suis Odd Della Robia" Odd said and bowed to her, Marie laughed.

"I feel bad, those girls were kind of rude" she said.

"It's not your fault, not all girls are as sweet as you I guess" Odd said. They walked off together comparing drawings.

I whistled, Odd is one sly dog I thought laughing. If only I had that much courage around Yumi- oh forget it we're just good friends I thought.

"Allright class time to come back" Mrs. Hertz called. We headed back and turned in our notepads.

"Ah, very good Odd. I never though you were capable of finishing projects worthy of an A"

"You didn't have faith in me Mrs. Hertz, that's not very encouraging" Odd said in a fake inocent sad voice. The teacher glared, obviously knowing the tone was fake, at him before taking my notepad.

"Uh not bad Ulrich, it could use some work though" Mrs. Hertz said uncertain.

"So what's my grade?" I asked nervous.

"I'd say a C" she told me. Another bad grade and another resason my dad can be proud of me, and give me another one of his lectures. The bell rang; I caught up with Yumi and told her about my grade in Mrs. Hertz.

"Well I've got to go see ya" I said, Yumi flashed me a quick smile which really warmed my heart, and made me forget about my grade. I hurried to the locker room, threw on my gym clothes and headed to the gymnasium.

"Today class we will be doing basket ball" Jim announced.

"I want to split you all in teams" Jim called a bunch of names to be on team A while I prayed not to be on the same team as Sissy.

"Ulrich you'll be on team A" Jim said. Of all the bad luck in the world.

"Horray we're on the same team!' Sissy cheered running to hug me. I stepped out the way and instead she hugged Nickolas. Nickolas was caught suprised and fell.

"Sissy I- I didn't know you felt this way" Nickolas said.

Sissy gasped "Ew! As if!" Sissy shrieked and quickly got up. Odd laughed from the other side of the gym.

"Allright time to get this game started!" The ball was thrown in the air which I easily caught since I was taller that Odd.

"Sorry Odd, must suck to be short and scrawny!" I laughed.

"I am not scrawny!" Odd yelled deffensively. Herb tried to steal the basketball, but he's no challenge. I easily made a basket. The other team got to start with the ball; Herb had it. He made his way towards a the hoop; I blocked him."Herb! Herb!" Odd and Jeremy called.

"No way Losers" Herb said refusing to pass it  to people on his own team. He probaly wouldn't  pass it to Odd because he always makes fun of Sissy, and then for sure wouldn't pass it to Jeremy because they were rivals academicly. Jeremy didn't think much of Herb, yet Herb always though Jeremy was trying to make him look bad. Herb jumped and tried to shoot a basket, but I easily caught it. Our team ended up winning, like I figured. I hurried on to the next class, Math, and took a nap half the class like I do most days.

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