The way I met you "2"

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Amber's POV

I groaned as my little brother jumping up and down on my bed, literally he is like an alarm clock ,he wakes me up by doing this every single day,sometimes I think he forgot that he is goddamn 16 awrgh.

"Kitten Please stop " I groaned and threw a pillow at him.

"No Jezuz! It's 7:20 and you need to prepare or you'll be seriously doomed! " He Huffed amused by my groaning sound.

"Come on 5 more minutes " as I hear another person enters my room " OH okay I'm awake so whatever you're trying to do, stop it" I saw my dad smirk at me.

"Get down for breakfast Princess and Keith you're sister will take you to school "

"Whaattttt! " I seriously don't like the idea cause Keith tends to blast off some rock music in my car.

" guess I'm stuck with you PRINCESS!! " he grins at me emphasizing the 'Princess ' word

"Shut up " I groaned again " Go out both of you " what a pleasant thing to start a day.

I got up and went to the toilet, washed my face, brushed my teeth, went to my walk in closet and wore a white v neck shirt accompanied with gray cardigan , tattered jeans and put on some light make up. I checked my self one last time and saw a Hazel eyed blonde girl "Perfect " As I say it to myself. I went down and see all my family at the table chatting.

"oh finally she's up and fresh " My older brother Kian grinned with a hint of a dimple on his cheek.

" Sit down and have some breakfast Love I made your favorite pancakes! " mom hands me my plate.

"Thanks Mom, and Dad can I change your mind and not let Kieth come with me? " I face him with puppy eyes.

" awwee but no, take your brother to school " my face went back to being grumpy and ate my pancake hurriedly and got up fast " Bye gotta go" I ran outside .

I got out and as I saw my car I jumped into it fast and started the engine and tried to move it as my brother Keith stopped in front of my car

"FUCK!!! seriously Keith?" I glared at him. " what if you got hit? "

" I won't be if you didn't leave so quickly in there " he opened the car door and went beside me.

" please no music "I sighed in defeat and he wiggle his eyebrows " seriously No" but he still did It and blasted off a very loud rock music, I swear I'll lose my sense of hearing cause of him.

I was so annoyed and parked my car at the seniors parking lot "you'll take a bus home Kieth " he went out fast and didn't say a word " seriously that kid " I sighed again. I got out my car and locked it and went directly to my locker and suddenly someone bumped into me ' oh right now I'm gonna fall hard on my butt ' I was shocked cause I didn't fall hard but I noticed a hand on my arm ' wew '

"Oh I'm sorry " I looked up and noticed her Stormy greyed eyes full of worry. I balanced myself

"are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't see you th-" as I was about to say something she got slapped by ray.

"Hey bitch what do you think your doing? Bumping to our queen " I was shocked from what she did, Ray is my friend and she can really be bitchy towards someone who is bitchy to me cause she said she's some sort of like my sidekick cause well I'm the queen of this school cause my Family owns the school.

"I said I was sorry" The girl said with a hint of pain on her cheek.

"It's fine and Ray apologize " I glared at ray cause seriously? Who slaps people even thou they didn't mean what they do? "whatever " Ray flinch and left.

"I'm sorry for that " She apologized to me and I notice she is staring at me

"Hello? " yep she's really staring at me .

"u uh it's fine I it's true that I didn't w watch where I was going" she finally got back to her senses but she's stuttering too much "I'll be going now, I'm really sorry if I bumped into you "

"it's fine " I giggle seeing her cute reaction, waaait what? Did I just say cute to a girl? Well not that I don't say cute to a girl and I'm an open BI it's just that I never complimented someone before, I'm shock.

" o okay, bye " and there she left. I opened my locker which happened to be where she was standing awhile ago, I glance a little in where she went and a girl called her ' Lleena' so that's her name.

This will be a fun year.


Yeah soon came at last xD

I wonder how this goes.....


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