Ornament In The Sky

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Ornament in the sky...

The strings of hesitation

Are keeping me suspended in the air

To prevent me from crashing down

Into a love that I cannot compete

But here you are floating right above me

Loosening them bit by bit

Before giving up and cutting them to shreds

Catch me...

When I fall right through the clouds


Me close to your heart


By my side for now

Keep me from shattering into pieces

My dear, please hold me close

I don't want to float off into the sky

Away from the life in front of me

Neither do I want to stay in one place for so long

I'm an ornament hanging from the sky...

The only one left in the sea of blue

The last to not be cracked

By childish hands not kept to themselves

The last to be sheltered amongst the clouds

Catch me...

When I fall right through the clouds


Me close to your heart


By my side for now

A crash rings across the empty world...

Translucent shards fly in every direction

Staring down at the ground, what do you see?

A shattered ornament or a broken child?

Look into my eyes and tell me what you did

Scream at me for what you've done

You were careless and you let the ornament slip through your fingers

Now do you see why I am always afraid

Now do you see what I didn't want

Darling you did this to yourself

And now nothing can keep you safe from what will come next...

You broke the ornament from the sky

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