Little White Boat

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Drifting across the sea

I lay on the floor of my boat

Counting the stars in the night sky

As they create stories that danced across the blank pages of the night

I'm finally free to do as I please

Free to travel across the world

In my own little white boat

Without an anchor keeping me in place

With the stars as my compass

They will guide me to the hidden treasure

The gems of existence that lies in the essence of childhood dreams

Buried under the sand of a far away land

A land far away from my old home

But the feeling of homesickness sticks needles into my chest

A broken bond between parent and child

Still sore to even a captain like me

To others my heart is hardened

But to myself, I am but a lost child

Searching far and wide for a place to call home

Underneath  the night sky and across the dark sea

With the stars as my compass

They will guide me to the hidden treasure

The gems of existence that lies in the essence of childhood dreams

Buried under the sand of a far away land

A land far away from home sweet home

One day I will reach it

Today and tomorrow I will find it alone

Away on a journey that will never end

A tale that would breathe through the lungs of future generations

Drifting silently across the sea of longing

Is where my little boat will eventually sink

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