I'm Okay

823 14 7

Smiling away

Despite the pain aching in my chest

Waiting to explode from within

I look away and close my eyes

With both hands covering my ears

To block out the other emotions screaming to be let out

I don't know how long I can hold them back

They're about to slip from my grip.

It's alright, I'm okay

Don't worry about me

This is a normal thing for me

Just go on about in your merry way

I can't let you know what's going on

I don't want it be a burden

So I'll just lock it up

And keep it hidden in plain sight

What's happening to me?

Why won't the tears stop falling from my eyes?

Am I breaking?

Am I loosing control?

Why can't I make it stop?

I shouldn't even feel this way

I'm supposed to be the strong one

So why am I feeling all of this pain

Someone help me

It hurts, it hurts

Why don't you understand?

Why can't you see through the mask I hide behind?

The pain that I feel is slipping from my grip

I'm sorry that I'm not as strong as you hoped I would be

You raised me to be this way

There's no going back now

It's slipping away...

It's slipping away...

From my grip.

It's slipping away...

It's slipping away...

From my grip.

I can't stop it anymore

I'm breaking down inside

I need someone to help me

But I'm alone again

These unfamiliar tears are flowing from my eyes

I'll just let them be

Since no one will come for me.

Author's Note:  I revised the lyrics as they were too out of place and they didn't execute the theme as well as I thought they would be. And I realized that two of the lines seem very similar to ECHO by Crusher-P; a song that I just recently discovered (which is really good *o*). So that's a definite mistake on my part. 

Original Song LyricsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang