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Harry Styles was that coworker at the office that everyone had a crush on. He was that person that everyone loved and supposedly he was too oblivious to notice. Now, nobody knew if that was the truth, whether the boy was just oblivious or if he chose to ignore it. Either way, he was sweet, Harry Styles that worked in finance and melted everybody's heart, just about.

Working for a company was always awful. Everyone knew that if you worked for someone else your life was partially miserable, because you don't control your work. Working for a company is especially miserable when the company you work for is possibly the shittiest company in the history of companies.

It was December, and currently everyone in the office was thinking about Secret Santa and what to get someone for Secret Santa with a budget of only ten pounds. The limit was very clear, and the budget was decided by Karen from HR who apparently needed to make the budget extremely clear as if someone in the office was going to buy her a fucking hovercraft that cost more than their house because Karen from HR deemed herself worthy of more than ten pounds.

Honestly, everyone wanted Harry. They either wanted Harry to buy them their gift or for Harry to receive a gift from them.

It was Tuesday, meeting day. Although everyday was a meeting day, Tuesday was special because it was the day that Harry, being head of finance after gaining himself a promotion after only a month of working there, ran the meeting. In other words, he stood in front of a whiteboard at the front of the room and wrote down shit that nobody really cared about.

"Uh, morning everyone," Harry said as he came into the room. His cheeks were pink, his lips plump and his luscious locks framing his face perfectly like it was a piece of art from a museum, "Sorry I'm late I uh," He cleared his throat, "There was an incident in the lift up. It stopped working and- well you don't care lets just get on with the meeting yes?"

And then there were other people in the company. Such as HR. HR were mostly the unsociable people in the company, the people that were miserable and only grumbled while getting their coffee from the break room- apart from Karen because she deemed herself more important than everyone as you already know.

Head of HR was Louis Tomlinson. He'd been working their five years and was only just promoted to head of HR when Gary, the previous head, quit because someone kept stealing his lunch from the fridge in the break room- he even put labels on his food. This person was definitely not Louis.

Either way he got the promotion and instead of unhappily working for Gary, he was unhappily head of HR.

He was sat in his private office, lounging in his desk chair while he replied to important and less important emails he'd been sent over the weekend. He binned a lot of them and noticed one sent from his boss- the office Christmas party. Immediately he binned the email without even reading it and continued the regular tasks for the day.

It was during his lunch break that once again he was bothered with the news of the office Christmas party, "Are you going to the Christmas party?" His coworker, Niall, had asked. Blankly, Louis stared at Niall and Niall stared back, waiting for the insult about to come his way.

"Can't mate, I'm busy on... whatever night it is." Louis replied. Niall gave him a disapproving look and shook his head in disappointment.

"Have you at least signed up for office Secret Santa?" Niall raised an eyebrow.

"Does it look like I signed up for office Secret Santa?" Louis scoffed. Why would he put himself forward to buy someone he didn't like a gift that they probably wouldn't like anyway? Then, he'd receive a shitty gift that he didn't like and it would be a waste of money. However, Niall seemed to like the idea so he said, "I'm going to sign up now, you coming or not?"

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