Chapter four

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After the boy left his house to go to whoever was calling Valèrie got up and walked around the basement that was now 'her room' so much childhood memorabilia that made her feel lost almost, lost in her own head.
She only wanted to find out what she truly was, the girl wanted, no, needed to know if she was dangerous towards others or not, she wanted to believe she was good that they could save her from herself, but she always went back to what a girl called her once
"Just another dressed up heart break" she whimpers out as she looked into the mirror
Malia stood behind her quietly as she the raven haired girl says this for Malia was sent to protect her from herself
"What do you mean Val?" She asked and the raven haired girl turned around quickly smiling as she put the phone that was in her hands down on her table
"I just need someone I can trust, and a heart that's not missing so many damned pieces Malia .." she smiled hiding the true feelings
"Why do you hide it?" Malia raises her eyebrow in a questioning tone
"I don't hide anything" Valèrie smiled as she threw on her leather jacket and slipped on her combat boots, her black undershirt shows slight cleavage
"And I don't need protection" Valèrie began rolling her eyes and walking past A stunned Malia and up the stairs and into the kitchen and out the backdoor as Malia saw she left her phone
Malia began to read the note
'Hide Malia, I have to go fight him. He's alive tell Stiles Ian is alive and waiting and I have to turn the darker gaze. I may live, I may die, I may get turned, but none of you will be endangered because of my past so hide now.' It read
She then read this stunned as she quickly called Stiles while reading this to him she was already looking in the woods for the raven-haired girl soon she finished and hung up quickly.
While Stiles including her close friends and Liam start to freak out

Valèrie was running through the woods at this point trying to beat Ian to wherever he was leading her the trees around her dead and dying soon she slowed down in front of the hale loft everyone was getting in the cars as they saw her

"Your even more beautiful then I remembered.." Ian smirked his hair a lot like a 90s movie star all floowy and golden muscles like Derek's if not more in a maroon jacket, jeans, and black boots he gripped her arm

"Your not yourself Ian what's happened to you..." she whimpered out and he gripped tighter on her arm

"I turned Valèrie, I'm a new wolf now, and I'm the alpha sweet heart, my pack needs you to turn Stilinski we need you.."he brushed his hand up her side from behind and as Liam saw this his blood began to boil

"Alphas don't get everything they want Ian!" She quickly says pushing him away and throwing him into a tree with a crack of her neck and a flick of her wrist, her blood boiling after he decided to touch her like that causing untrue feelings to rise and while Liam watched he smirked thinking 'she's perfect'

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