The tension of the room sky-rocketed as Rosemary suddenly became abundantly aware of how loud and coldly the air conditioner was hitting her back. "Yes sir"

"What is your relation to Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter?" Mr.Winter watched as Rosemary visibly stiffened ever so slightly, her hands clenching her uniform in what he assumed to be anxiety.

"Why do you ask?" She asked quietly.

"Well I had several students approach me yesterday saying they saw Patrick and Henry following you after school in an apparently aggressive manner" His eyes skimmed to her hands where the smallest of bruises was visible on her wrist. The slight discolouration was a combination of her assault on Patrick and the grip he'd held her arm within moments before releasing her in fear of Robby's gun. "Rosemary, is there anything you'd like to talk to me about?"

Again she was reminded of how physically smaller and weaker she was then everybody.

Rosemary stared at Mr.Winters in slight confusion to hide the inner volcano erupting in her stomach. He was tall, not as tall as Nathaniel but taller then her. If he hit her hard enough maybe he could break her nose or rip out her hair. All that protected her was the presence of the school around them, the shitty excuse of a police department and his sanity.

"No sir"

She hastily left the classroom without giving him the opportunity to comment. She didn't want to listen to him.

As it was there early lunch, some people like herself could leave whilst most made there way to the cafeteria to eat. Rosemary didn't want to see David from where he sat in his car waiting to pick her up outside, so she darted towards the bathroom.

Once inside, it was only a shred of relief that comforted her when she realised the bathroom was empty. She locked the door, creating her small confined cube and dropped her bag beside the door.

Slowly, she walked to the mirror and stared.

Why didn't Jude want me? She wondered, running a shaky hand up her cheek to feel her smooth, soft skin. Why? I'm perfect. The memories of their last encounter flood her mind and she furiously smacked the sink, her hand aching terribly.

It felt good focusing on her hand rather then her head.

Rosemary sunk to her knees, tears sliding down her face as she began to wheeze. Her chest was on fire, the suffocating summer heat that blew through the open window cooking her through her shirt. On weak legs, Rosemary stumbled to the wall, hitting it hard as her hands slid over the tiles. "Why?" She coughed, pressing her forehead against the cool tiling. With slight difficulty she fumbled for the hatch of the window, eventually finding it as she slammed it shut. "Jude" She spluttered, whimpering slightly as she pressed her back into the wall for stability.

Rosemary hated herself for her weakness, detested this part of herself that he pulled from her, warped and suffocated her. More hot tears slid down her neck.

Then she remembered Henry.

Anger pumped through her system like adrenaline, pulling her out of her wallowing for a moment as she slowly leant against the corner of the last cubicle and the wall. "That fucker" She growled into the wall.

Fearing her legs may give out, she stepped into the cubicle and sat on the closed toilet seat.

Mark, she remembered Bowers' party, the way he'd looked as she drove the cement piece through his skull. The texture of the rock, every scratch, chip and scuffed area was still raw on her hands and she loved it. "Bowers..." Hunched forward, she pressed the palms of her hands into her sockets as she tried to halt her tears. She could still feel his large gritty hand as it slid over her hip, tightly feeling her side and her perfect skin. She began gasping for air as she thought of Patrick, how he'd watched Henry and listened like an obedient dog. Was it his way of enacting revenge for her comment the other night? She leant back as she tried to help her breathing as she begun to feel lightheaded.

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
My hands hurt
The pressure in my head is going to kill me

In that moment she wished death upon every person in the school.

"Fuck!" Her muscles tight with anxiety, she lashed out and kicked the door angrily with her right heel. She did it again. And again. "Fuck!" She wailed and screamed in frustration, punching the walls and door as she allowed the aching, throbbing sensation of her attacks overwhelm her body.

It's going to kill me if I don't win.

She wouldn't allow Henry to win, and she knew exactly who she needed to get to to win this game he'd started.

Rosemary left the bathroom when the bell rung for students to return to class her face unnoticeably puffy and covered with powder to hide her discoloured eyes and cheeks. Walking down the hallways, she smiled slightly as most people went out of their way to move for her, as though not to taint the shell surrounding her.

The front exit was in sight when she saw Henry and Patrick. Amidst the slew of students, Henry could barely be seen as he was turned away from her. Her hair was what caught his eye long enough for the pair of them to make eye contact. Rosemary stopped, one hand on the door as they watched each other with hidden curiosity and precaution.

His pointed grin slowly sunk onto his face as he licked his lips and eyed her petite figure, unaware of the fury bubbling beneath her skin.

Rosemary winked at him flirtatiously and his grin widened as she left, walking with purpose towards the car park.

"Where've you been?" David asked irritably as she sat down in the car. "I've been here for almost an hour!"

"One of my friends was having a bit of a moment in the bathroom" She smiled at him apologetically. "I'm sorry for making you wait, but I didn't want to leave her by herself"

David sighed, "Yeah, alright..."

As they left the car park, Rosemary looked back at the school and found Patrick stood at the top of the stairwell, watching her leave. She smiled, as she relaxed into the seat that smelt of leather and mens cologne.

This was going to be easier then she thought.



Also, I think I may have a type because; Owen Teague and Adam Driver are 👌👌👌

Off of Star Wars, what did you think of the chapter? This could be considered the moment Rosemary truly declares war on Henry for what he tried to do.

Also, I've been really inspired lately and want to begin writing other stories as well, some fanfiction, some originals 💁💁 idk.

Anyways, comment and discuss your theories and what you think is going to come from Rosemary's determination? xx

I unfortunately won't be updating the 'special chapter ll' until it fills all 25 questions x

Until the next update~


youngblood // p. hockstetter // 0.1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum