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People knew about Rosemary before she'd stepped onto school grounds. Like a stack of dominos, Gretta told Sally Mueller, who told Barbara Kandin, who told Cindy Johnson, which led to almost every girl in sophomore year knowing who Rosemary was the second she stepped onto the pavement of the school yard. Rosemary stood before Derry Highschool, grinning like a maniac.

"You're excited?" Gretta had never been excited for school. Ever. And yet Rosemary was looking as though she'd be able to power a nuclear bomb with the amount of energy barely contained in her small body.

"Of course I'm excited! I get to meet so many new people today" Rosemary was near completely oblivious to the many eyes following her dance-like movements. She twirled suddenly, looking at Gretta. "When does school start?"

"Well, we have to be at class by 8:40 so... half an hour?"

"Could you please show me around the school before class?" Gretta pinched her lips together as she contemplated showing Rosemary around. The school wasn't that interesting. Sensing her apprehension, Rosemary quickly shook her hand in front of her, "Don't feel as though you need to! You've already been so kind Gretta, I'm fine to just walk around if you wanted to see your friends?"

As much as Gretta wanted to say that that was exactly what she wanted to do, an even larger part of her was screaming at her to stay. Stay and guide Rosemary through the thunderous hallways of Derry Highschool. Glancing up at the door into the school, she could see the judging eyes of dozens, some with recognition, most wanting to know who she was. "Why don't we go and get your timetable Rosemary?"

Linking her arm into Rosemary's, she pulled her forward and the pair advanced up the stairs of the school. Rosemary pulled herself tighter against Gretta, holding her as though she created some form of protection. "Do I have something on my face?" She whispered, her large eyes darting between Gretta and those around her.


"Why're people staring at me?"

She giggled, "We aren't used to having new students" To Gretta's surprise, Rosemary's hand slid down her arm and laced itself into her own, locking their fingers together.

"I'm glad you're here..." She whispered, as they reached the top of the staircase. "I'd have been so scared on my own. I'm excited! It's just...I'm not great with people.."

Giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, Gretta led her inside. "You'll fit in, don't worry" A flash of red and white followed by the growl of an engine caused Rosemary to turn in surprise, looking down the stairs at the car which had pulled up - quite hazardously - inside the parking lot. "What's wrong?" Gretta asked in concern.

"I like that car" Following her gaze, Gretta's throat constricted as she saw The Bowers Gang step out of Belch Huggin's Plymouth Fury. The hum of its engine hung in the air and in the early morning the paint looked almost hauntingly dark. Placing her hand on the small of Rosemary's back, she led her forward. "Is everything okay?"

"Trust me hon, they're the last people you want to associate with. They're trouble"


"Trouble" Rosemary glanced back as one of the boys pulled his long, lanky body through the open roof of the car before stepping through the doorway. Thankfully, very few students arrived at school before 8:30 and thus, the pair where able to move quickly through the dominantly empty hallways. The occasional greeting was thrown at Gretta, but she herself was focused on identifying and explaining everything anything they passed.

"Your locker will probably be upstairs in the newer areas, we just had heaps of renovations up there for the older classes"


"I hope I can get up there, usually upstairs is restricted for the younger year levels" The front office was well air conditioned and Rosemary could feel the goose flesh rising along her skin as they stepped inside from the hallway. A relatively small area, it was home to half a dozen uncomfortable looking chairs and a large closed off area for the receptionist whom didn't acknowledge them until they stood before her.

"Um...pardon me?"

The lady wore unattractively large amounts of make-up but smiled regardless as she looked the girls up and down. "Yes hon?"

"I'm starting today and was wondering if you could please get my schedule for me? My name is Rosemary Fennler" Wheeling away from them, the woman stopped at a filing cabinet and opened it hastily with a resonating crash!. Leaning forward, Rosemary rest her elbows on the top of the wall that separated her from the receptionist, leaning on her right leg.

Another wave of envy washed over Gretta. From where she stood beside her, Rosemary's position only emphasised the slimness of her waist and the nice curve of her butt and lower back. "How are you so skinny?" Gretta asked suddenly, staring at Rosemary's dress.

Rosemary looked at her in surprise, "Uh..." She looked at the ground for a moment, obviously flustered. "Well I didn't eat much when I was living with my mum so I kind of got used to it. Plus I did swimming and dance when I was younger so that kept me in shape..."

The pair both jumped as Rosemary's file was slapped against the desk. "Rosemary Annette Fennler, you're in Mrs.Pontleac's homeroom in M17"

Taking the papers, Rosemary flipped through her schedule, smiling. "What're your electives?" Gretta asked, peering at the papers as Rosemary leant against the desk wall.

"Dance, Biology and Anatomy"

Gretta looked at her is surprise, her nose crinkling in disgust. "Anatomy? Ew, you know that means you'll be dissecting animals and things right?"

"Yeah...?" Rosemary looked back at her timetable. "I like learning about anatomy, it's interesting"

"It's gross"

Rosemary smiled slightly in amusement. "Could you show me where Mrs.Pontleac's classroom is please?"

"Oh, dear!" She turned to the receptionist whom had spoken. "We have a student assigned to take you to class if you'd like to wait?"

Truthfully, she didn't want to wait. Walking in to an empty classroom where people could observe her as they walked in was far better then twenty five students staring at her as though she where an enigma. Regardless, she smiled. "Thank you ma'am, I think I will"

For a moment she stared at Gretta before wrapping her arms around her shoulders and squeezing her tightly. Although slightly uncomfortable by the bony texture of her shoulders, Gretta found the skin ship between them comforting, as though Rosemary was allowing herself to be vulnerable before her. "Thanks for everything Gretta" Without hesitation, Gretta looped her arms around Rosemary's waist, planting her chin above her collar. "I'm so lucky to have found someone as reliable as you"

"You wanna walk home together after school?

She nod eagerly as she pulled away. "I'll meet you outside on the stairs after school" Gretta left smiling while Rosemary made herself comfortable on one of the plastic chairs she found herself despising within seconds. However she continued to smile, sitting straight as she thought of how fun it would be dissecting in her anatomy class.


youngblood // p. hockstetter // 0.1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat