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Patrick didn't come back until the last ten minutes of the film as unlike Rosemary whom only needed a few moments, it took him almost an hour to rearrange and sort out the confusing mess that was his thoughts.

He couldn't stop thinking about her hands. How even through the barrier of denim she'd known what to do and exactly how he would react. In those brief minutes where she had manhandled him, he'd never felt that way in his life.

How could something nonexistent make him feel so real?

Belch (whom he'd been sitting beside) hadn't noticed him leave, and only noticed him return when he accidentally bumped his shoulder sitting down. "Jesus, you that scared?" Patrick was unknowingly shaking as he lowered himself down, a thin film of sweat coating his skin. He didn't respond beyond his shaky breathing. "Damn, you pussy" Belch chuckled, the many layers of his neck shaking slightly as he laughed.

"Shh!" Victor hissed at the pair, one of us legs against the chair in front of him.

As the lights returned to the room, the group stood. "Well that was a waste of my fucking money" Henry grumbled in annoyance, stretching as he stood.

"No were near as good as The Exorcist" Jude agreed, glancing down at Rosemary and laughing. "She definitely wasn't entertained" The boys looked at the seat beside Jude's and saw, with her head propped in her hand Rosemary had fallen into a light slumber.

For a moment, Victor thought he may be in love, as did Henry. But truthfully both boys where just in love with the positive and innocent response she'd given their group when meeting them. It was a nice change to the regular cursing and hateful responses so often given to them by their female peers.

Squatting in front of her, Jude took the half filled popcorn bag still held loosely in her left arm and nudged her arm slightly. "Ro..." He bumped her again, one hand resting on her cheek, the other her shoulder. "Rosemary"

Her eyelashes fluttered slightly and she smiled, her eyes barely open. "Sorry Jude..." She pouted slightly. "The movie was a little boring" He grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Come on..." Grabbing her hands, he carefully pulled her upwards and she stretched, groaning slightly as her back clicked. "Lets get you home"

Holding her brothers hand and her popcorn in her other, she followed the Bowers Gang and her brother out of the cinema. "I can't wait until Misery is out" Rosemary muttered as she took her hand from her brother and ran it through her hair. Victor lagged behind slightly in a mediocre attempt at talking with her.

"Misery?" He asked curiously. "Is that new?"

"Yeah, it's coming out in late Autumn, I can't wait for its release"

"What's it about?" He shoved his hands into his pockets as her brother eyed them suspiciously. Stepping in front of her as they approached the door, he held it open for her and she giggled.

"Thank you"

"So what's this Misery about?" He walked backwards, watching her as they stopped at the side of the road. "Doesn't sound like the most uplifting film" She smiled.

"You ever heard of Pet Sematary or Carrie?"

Victor awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "I'm not much of a fiction reader"

Rosemary bit her lip as they crossed the road, "What about Cujo?" He didn't do anything. "Vic?"

Having been focusing on her lips, Victor jumped slightly when she suddenly snapped her fingers. "Uh...is that the one with the killer dog?"

"Yeah! Misery is based off a novel by the same guy. It's about a novelist whom gets trapped by a psycho fan after she finds out her favourite character dies in his newest novel"

Jude held his arm out, wrapping it around Rosemary as she parted from Victor. "You blabbering about King again?"

She smiled slightly, "Maybe...?"

"Anyway, it was nice meeting you boys. I'd love to stay and chat but I need to get this one home to finish her homework" Rosemary yawned, covering her mouth as slumber tears pricked her eyes.

"I might take a nap first..." She mumbled before smiling slightly at Belch. "It was lovely meeting you, and who knows? I might see you guys in class"

It was a brief good-bye, Rosemary finding herself in the front seat well before they actually left. Jude continued to talk to the group, unable to draw himself away from them until, in a moment of irritation she opened her car door and flicked a piece of gravel salvaged from the ground. It hit the back of his neck and he jumped slightly before he turned to her, his eyes two heated pools of anger. "Nathanial is expecting us home soon. I don't want him to be angry with us"

Bumping fists with Henry, Jude slipped into his car without looking at either The Bowers Gang or Rosemary. As they drove away, she waved at the group, her eyes narrowing slightly when she made eye contact with Patrick before she turned to face the front window.

"Did you have fun today?" She asked Jude, smiling. He didn't respond and it was only then she noticed his tight grip on the steering wheel which was turning his knuckles white. "Jude?"

His hand flashed out faster then she could react, lacing his fingers tightly into her hair before he yanked her forward. Rosemary cried out, the searing pain in her scalp turning her eyes glassy.

"Never embarrass me like that again" He was unsettlingly calm, his eyes watching the road whilst his fist curled tighter. "Never"

"What did I do?" Rosemary hissed as he pulled her closer.

"You wonder off with the blondie and then throw shit at me?" He twisted her head up so he could stare directly at her. "You're so fucking lucky I'm in a good mood today"

And with one final shove, he threw her against the car door, her head smacking against the window. Rosemary winced as tears involuntarily slipped down her cheeks, "I'm sorry" She sniffled slightly, rubbing circles into her scalp.

"Don't cry" He mumbled, glancing at her as she turned away from him. "Seriously-" He leant his arm against the window frame, running a hand through his hair. "Ro don't cry, I'm sorry. I just...I know what goes through guys mind when they meet girls like you" She continued to stare out the car window as they turned the corner of Kansas Street onto West Broadway. "You understand Ro, don't you?" Pulling into the driveway, he stopped the car and stared at her. "Ro?"

"I understand" That was all he needed to be appeased.

Smiling softly, he gently brushed some of the hair from her face. It was a tender act but it only made her shy away from his touch. "I just want to keep you safe, that's all" He dropped his hand, letting it rest on her shoulder as he ran his thumb along her jaw. "So no more walking off with those boys without me, okay?"

Rosemary could feel her heartbeat in her throat. Wiping her cheeks, she put on a smile and nod quickly. "No more walking off with boys'

"Good girl" Jude quickly stepped out of his car whilst Rosemary reached back to grab her bag. "Remember to lock your door" He called to her as approached the house, as though everything that'd just happened didn't happen at all.

Rosemary could imagine it, the look on his face after she drove a hammer into the front window, or a blow torch to his seats. She smiled at him, locking her door before slamming it shut.

Watching him run up the stairs of the house, Rosemary could imagine alot. She could imagine how Nathaniel and Jude would look arguing, screaming at each other whilst David silently red on the couch and she hid in her room. David may look shocked if she took Nathaniel's tools; drove a screw driver into Jude's engine, the hammer into Jude's door or the wrench into Jude's window.

Nathaniel started yelling from inside and Rosemary slowly walked up the stairs of the house.

She smiled.

What would Jude look like with a hammer through his skull?


youngblood // p. hockstetter // 0.1Where stories live. Discover now