Grey Skies

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                                                                                    Chapter 1

                                                                                7 YEARS AGO

It was a day I could remember like it was yesterday. I was still young. It was my mother’s birthday.

          I awoke from the darkness of my dream by two medium sized hands. “Adam, wake up.” A voice whispered.

          I groaned and opened up my eyes. “Chris?”

          “Come on, kid. We gotta get ready for Mom’s birthday.”

          Adam picked me up out of bed and put me on the floor. He smiled and left the room. I got ready and ran downstairs to meet with my father and brothers. Ashton was trying to blow up some balloons, but his face was turning completely purple. Dad knelt down in front of me and smiled.

          “Chris needs some help over there. You wanna help?”

          I nod in response.

          I ran over to Chris and helped hold the ladder as he began to rock it, nearly falling over. “Thanks, little guy.”

          Mom worked in the industry company. I rarely ever get see her anymore, but the man she works for lets her off early on her birthday. Chris was putting up a sign saying Happy Birthday in big bubble letters.

After we were finished, I sat down and waited for Mom. It nearly felt like forever until she got home. Ashton ran into my room and said Mom was home. I ran to the living room and got down in a hiding spot.

          Mom let out a sigh. “Why does work have to be so –” She paused. “Why are all the lights off?”

          I looked at Chris and he counted to three. “Surprise!” We all screamed in unison.

          “Oh my, guys!” A tear filled my mother’s eye. “You shouldn’t have!”

          Dad walked out into the main spotlight. “Happy birthday, dear.” Dad kissed her on the lips.

          “Ew.” I said.

          “Yuck.” Ashton said.

I stayed in my room, lying on my bed. Chris came in and shook my knee. “Look alive.” He said with a chuckle.

          I groaned and sat up.

          “What’s wrong?” He asked.

          I shrugged. “I don’t know. It feels like everyone is ignoring me.”

          “Adam, no one’s ignoring you. You haven’t come out of your room since this afternoon.”

          “I know, but still. It hurts to see Mom.”

          “Why does it hurt?”

          “To know all the pain she’s going through. I don’t like seeing Mom like that. And then bad things happen. Dad gets all upset over a little thing and then takes it out on Mom. I don’t know. I want it to end.” Tears rolled down my face.

          “Don’t let that get you down. Parents always have their bad times. It happens to all of us at some point in life.”

          I wiped the tears away. Chris pulled me into a hug and let me cry into his shirt. “I’m sorry.”

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