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Why does it always end up like this?

The person you love would tear your heart to bits.

It would leave you asking why,

But they'll just stare at you glumly as you cry.

Then will come the day that they will go,

You'll beg them to stay but unfortunately they'll say no.

As you watch them leave, you feel your heart break;

The wound bled and bled, your heart couldn't take.

After a few years, your heart has healed,

But the consequence made your heart stone-filled.

Then comes that day you didn't expect.

They came back; the person you used to love and protect.

As they walk towards you, you see

Their eyes are screaming “come back to me”.

But you couldn't take them back so you give them your last kiss ,

Which brings back to the question ,

Why does it always end up like this?

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