Don't worry, I'm a keeper.

Comincia dall'inizio

I sigh in relief with that, "oh yeah."


I start walking outside the school and wait for him to speak again, "Are you busy?"

"Not really"

"Will you keep talking to me?"

"Uh that's what I'm doing"

"No no, you said you won't yesterday so.."

"I don't have an option considering you left me scratching my head and nibbling my nails while wondering how on earth you know me."

He giggles from the other end and says, "You are something else."

"I am not something, I'm me, I'm me and that's all I can be." I mentally start humming that part, as I reach the school gates and wait for Adam to come so that we walk home together.

"Here's my vulnerability, um no I don't find it here."


"I sang the next part and no I don't find your vulnerability here."

"No, you didn't sing it, you just quoted it."

"Yeah yeah same thing, so.."


"So tell me about you."

"Like what?"

"Doesnt matter, anything."

"Um okay, I'm 17 turning 18 in 3 months time. I have no social life and literally one best friend who is about to come, oh.. he is here."

Adam walks towards me and we hug before I show him my index finger and tell him to wait for a minute.

"Hey, we'll talk later?"

"Okay babe, goodbye."

I roll my eyes and hang up on the call and turn to look at Adam who has a mischievous smirk plastered on his stupid face.

I give him a questioning look with my eyebrows raised, "What?"

"Who were you talking to?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"Uh, you know that stranger."

"And you answered?" He asks again.

"Yeah I guess?"

He lets out a squeal before internally mumbling something. I shake my head at his behavior and pull his arm to make him walk.

"What did you guys talk? How is his voice? Is it kinky or boring? I like kink better you know?" He bombards.

"Hey shhh chill, I'll tell you everything" I say as I laugh and proceed to tell him everything with a smile on my lip.

The Wrong Number changed My Life.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora