"It's because you think too much about it. It's just a dream, Baek. Don't give it a lot thinks," Xiumin replied.

"Yeah, Hyung is right. Don't think too much," Chen said. Baekhyun nodded his head in understanding. Whatever they say he couldn't get off of the images. He clearly knows that it wasn't a dream. He went through it, the way she smiles, the way she kissed, He'd still feel it.

But he decided to brush it off. The more he thought about it, the more he becomes strange. As Hyung said, he doesn't want to give it many thoughts.


Days passed by as quick as light. Winter was gone, and its rainy season in Seoul. The sky was tar black soon the heavy rain whizzing from the sky. The streets wetted with heavy raindrops, people ran through the pathways to dodge from the raindrops that touch their skin.

Baekhyun looked out the window; he'd hear the murmuring of rain through the window. It sounded like the buzzing of furious bees.

"When we'll have a new assistant?" Sehun asked while knotting his shoelace. They were in their suite room, bracing for the show. Exo released their new album Ex'Act and it received enough response from the public. Their popularity is increasing as day by day, both nationally and internationally.

" We'll get one soon.. Perhaps today," Suho responded. Their manager went on a trip with his family. They will be getting a temporary assistant until their old manager came back.

"Get ready, boys. The show will start shortly," the coordinator announced as he rushed to their room.

"Let's go, guys," Suho whooped with excitement.


After the show, They all sat tired-eyed, leaned on the wall. The sweat trickled down their face into their eyes; it makes their skin glossy, the shirt wet. Soon they heard the knock on the door and it swung open. All their eyes darted towards the doorway to find out the person who'll make their presence soon, except Baekhyun who's still keeping his eyes shut.

"Hello boys," A man greeted them with a grin.

"Oh Hyung," The tired face of them is gone and appeared a wide grin on their tired face.

"What brought you here at this time?" Suho asked gently, bending a little, showing his respect for that elder man.

"I brought your new assistant with me," the man replied with the same grin. He turned aside, presenting a beautiful girl behind him. The girl approached them with timid steps. Exo watched her in awe. They'd never seen such a beautiful girl before. She stood behind the man, feeling shy to speak. The boys seemed to notice her timidness. So they drop their eyes off of her.

"This is Jinhye, she'll be assisting you from now on," The man introduced her to the boys.

"Hello Jinhye, I'm Suho," He extended his hands towards her. The girl finally lifted her eyes from the floor to catch Suho staring at her with a tender smile. She smiled back. There was sunshine in her smile. She holds his hand and squeezed it. Her touch was warm yet gentle. Her eyes were searching for a specific face. Her smile dimmed and her eyes went down when she couldn't find the one she wanted most.

"Where is Baekhyun?" The man asked as the others ended with their introduction. They were standing right beside the doorway, so the man couldn't find Baekhyun who's dozing inside.

"Hey Baekhyun," Chen called Baekhyun who's in deep sleep. "Baekhyun," he shook his shoulders, which made his eyes shot open. "Kang Hyung is here. He wants to see you," Chen said.

Baekhyun rubbed his eyes and stood up on the floor.

"Hyung," he hugged the man in a gentle way and the man hugged him back. He doesn't acknowledge the presence of the girl who's standing behind the man as he's more excited to see his dearest Hyung.

The girl's face lightens and Her lips curled into a smile. She stepped forward to get the attention of Baekhyun's. That's when Baekhyun's eyes landed on the small figure in front of him. His eyes went wide. There's standing the same girl he met on the night a few months back in his room. But her appearance has changed. She's wearing tight jeans with a tank top, her hair pulled back into a high ponytail.

He couldn't believe what he saw. Was he still in sleep? He blinked his eyes a few times to register his mind. The girl stepped closer to him makes Baekhyun take a step back.

"Who is this?" he managed to ask after breaking his eyes off from the girl.

"Our new assistant," SuHo replied.

"But it's a girl," it was hard for him to accept the fact that a girl would work for them.

"Ha-ha. Don't worry about it Baekhyun, she's good enough to accompany you all," Kang Hyung responded with an upbeat. Suho nudged baekhyun to introduce him to the girl. baekhyun cleared his throat and move closer towards her.

"Hello, I'm Byun baekhyun," he extended his hand and threw her a faint smile.

"Jinhye-mnida," The girl swiftly took his hand and squeezed it. He'd feel the warmth in her touch. Her grip was firm and it seems like she doesn't want to let him go. baekhyun looked into her eyes and saw her smiling. She had the kind of smile that made him feel happy to be awake.


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