Chapter 4 And Author Comments

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Soooooo Sorry For Not Updating Sooner, Just Lots Of Grades And Exams To Worry About, And The Relevant Fact That I Was Incredibly Sick These Days, Scratch That, Months, Hope You Can Forgive My Pitiful Sins. But Anyway, On With The Story.....

P.S. That Part Where My Couple Is....... Loving Each Other A Lot Was Not Meant To Be Inappropriate. Just Made The Mood Much More Passionate And Reinforced The Fact That Teenagers Are Often Volatile Like This When It Comes To Reacting To Emotions That Are Not Completely Understood.

And As Well As My Everyday Troubles, I Can't Seem To Decide Whether Or Not I Should Strictly Follow The Game's Guideline, Or Create Locations, People, Etc. For More Variety. I'll Leave It Up To You Guys On The Comment Section Or My Message Board.


The piercing sunlight broke through the tiny crevices of the oaken door as we push it open. As our eyes adjusted to the sudden increase in luminosity, the first thing I hear is the yip and bark of a dog and the multiple voices in what seemed to be a town. After my vision cleared, I see that we exited what seemed to be a clock tower, which could explain the turning gears from where we met the Mask Salesman. All of a sudden we hear this cheerful music in the distance. I look up and immediately regret doing so, as I am suddenly greeted by a horrible face. Once again here I am, facing yet another impossibility. A massive moon, about the size of the town by estimate and incredibly close to its location, was smiling evilly back down at me.

Shaking off the irrepressible feeling of dread aside, we all nod and start to look around, hoping to find clues of the Skull Kid's whereabouts. After a while, we all come across to the North Side of what is said to be "Clock Town" according to sudden eavesdropping on random chatter. Where we locate a "mapmaker" of some kind who floated up in a balloon, after a quick bubble shot from Deku Link and a few introductions, we bought the map with one blue rupee. But as soon as I reach for it to analyze its content, a tiny pellet is thrown at my feet and smoke starts erupting from the round object as we are covered in a thick purple fog.

As it cleared, we peered through the mist and see the outlines of five small humanoid figures, about Deku Link's size, surround us completely. I heard a kid's voice call out "Oi! Jim! What'll we do to this lot after we've robbed 'em dry?" Then the smoke clears completely and we see the mere children that attacked us. For a moment I was about to laugh, thank the goddesses I didn't. The moment I set my eyes on them, I knew these kids were not to be trifled with, the children were small, but they all had slight muscles and scars, as well as small daggers at their sides. They eyed us cautiously, as if they were guessing whether we were better left dead or alive. At some point, one was a little too edgy and charged at me, dagger in hand, I've had my fair share of surprise attacks, so I simply sidestepped, punch his gut, and stripped the blade from his hands. They gasped and drew their weapons as they stared at the awe struck kid's empty hand and breathless stomach. My fingers inched to draw my blades, but that wasn't an option, it never was, unless I wanted to get the others killed. So I put my hands to my neck and dropped the dagger, and said slowly, "We don't want any trouble whatsoever, we are just looking for someone-" And was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice as one of the delinquents stepped forward laughing. He was clearly the leader of this gang, he had slightly more muscles and instead of a dagger, he carried a short sword and a slingshot.

"Well fought dude, you really showed Joe here the reason why we don't get too cocky nowadays in a raid. What's your name?" He asked, I simply said "Rinku." He nodded and urged us to follow him, not having much choice on the matter, we walk along and follow the leader........


Well, sorry for being so short, but this chapter was purely meant for you guys to answer the previous question, I'll hopefully see you soon.

- petofcourage, Out, Peace.

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