Chapter 3 And Author Comments

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Pain flared throughout my entire body as I tried my hardest to open my eyes. After many agonizing attempts, I finally manage to lift my eyelids. I saw the light emanating from the hole on the chamber roof, my vision blurred and pain reinstates itself by making it go as damaging as it can to my body. Damn, what the hell is up with this? Never have I felt such intense pain in my life, ouch. I thought as I closed my eyes for more relief, only to open them again as I tough out the pain and try to get my bearings. It was all in the same state, minus the fact that the bonds and that kid were gone. beside me is the other boy that suffered my same fate. I took a look at my arm, there it was, that goddamn python settled there, with its fangs still sunken in my flesh, dry blood all around it. Out of curiosity I gaze at his, instead of a golden snake however, his is silver. I sit up, my head dizzy, I am about to call for Navi when I hear crying, my gaze settles on a cerulean outline of a petite girl the size of a fist laying by the boy's head, sobbing. "Link, I am so sorry....... Please forgive me." I hear her say in between sniffles.

I decide to stay silent as I rise up shakily and straighten myself out. Dusting out my clothes and putting my hoodie/hat in place as I set up a comfortable place to wait for the others, pulling out a blanket that Navi provided, I set it down and decided to recap on everything that was nonsensical so far, which is mostly everything since I bumped into her........

After quite some time, I hear shuffling of clothes against the floor and a pained groan. Navi gasped anxiously as the dirty-blond boy roused himself from unconsciousness. "Link! Are you OK? Hey, listen!" Navi practically screamed as the boy yawned, rubbed his eyes, and gasped. "Navi! Thank Farore I found you, where were you, and who is this guy?" 'Link' said as he curiously inspected me, my improved clothes and weapons, especially the Master Repulsword. "Well, the name is Rinku Toraifōsu, and how do you know Navi?" I ask, my curiosity about the previous scene piqued. "Well, it's a long story........" They both then proceeded to tell me their rather interesting tale of how they went back in time to defeat a man corrupted by shadows and save their land of Hyrule. But they both choke up on what happened after they lay my family sword's replica in the pedestal. I whistle and try to process that information in my skull. I then think back to what I last heard the "Skull Kid" was talking about..... Something about a place called..... "Well, let's get moving, we accomplish nothing by staying here, besides, that Skull kid has something of mine I can't let him keep." He said as he shakily stood up and looked for the first time at his arm. He gasped, then tried to rip that forsaken bracelet out of his wrist in a futile attempt. After many failed tries, he let go of his hand in defeat and sighed. I chuckled to myself, because I had done the exact same thing moments ago. Then we all set up our gear and headed towards the ominous door, for a moment, silence echoed as both me and Link stare at the door, gulp, then walk towards it as we follow the Skull Kid to recover what was stolen from us.

The door opens and we pass through. What is soon revealed is that there is another tunnel, yet a huge chasm lies between us and the key out of this gloomy forest. While Navi simply flutters to it, me and Link pull out grappling hooks and swing them across a vine, we loop across, almost falling as we swing through. We land safely, stowing away the tools as we do.

Once there we see a decaying tree with a torn and morbid expression, I simply stare and move on, there was a mask next to it. Link picked it up. Although I sensed something amiss, it was too late to warn him as he inspected the mask as we moved on to a stone building of some kind. He then curiously decided to put it on and is instantly enveloped in shadows, seconds later, Link was gone, and in return we had a wooden humanoid plant figure with Link's cap. "Link! You turned into a Deku Scrub!" yelped Navi as he looked at himself and trembled as a high pitched scream tore through his throat. He looked at his minuscule bark body and looked at me and Navi with a sad look, much like the tree..........

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