Chapter 1

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Please read a/n!

A/n: Welcome to Card Master! (The book version.) I hope you won't mind me writing it out fully here first.

Anyway, I recommend that if you were watching the series on YouTube and came here after watching the video I posted - that you start reading the book from the beginning and not chapter 4. I have put a lot more detail (I think) into the book than the videos so the storyline will be more... adapted? I guess the YouTube one was less detailed as I hadn't written much before hand and had less experience. Though if you would like to start reading from chapter 4 I don't mind, it's just you miss out on a few key points I'll be adding in.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that since there is more detail in the book, the book writing will be different from the video. I'm also planning to delete the videos of Living Dead and Card Master then remake them.

Enough with me going on and on... let's start! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Please enjoy the book!

- Author-nim 😊


Life is so boring.

I mean, we can all agree that our own lives aren't really exciting and you dive into the world of games to escape that boring life of yours. Even if it isn't a game it could be a fanfiction, role play or even drawing a world that you wish to be in but - in the brutal reality - you can't truly escape this world you're born in.

As much as you want to, you can't. It's impossible.

Anyway let's start, shall we?

This is you.

In this world I have created for you.

A student with high grades and trying to escape reality by playing video games. Your life was boring and cruel. Your typical day went like this: wake up, go to school, go home, play games and go to sleep at 3 am.

You wished to escape the cruel world you were born into by playing video games in any spare time you had, be it an app on your phone or on your gaming pc at home.

You hated everything about this world as everyone in it, that you knew, were stuck up snobs. Parents, teachers and classmates, all of them expected things to go their way in life.

Your parents never gave time for you but your older sister as she was the one taking over the company. They'd always make up excuses even if they knew that you knew there was nothing going on at that time.

And let's not get started on teachers and classmates or we'll be hear all day.

You were currently at school sat by yourself in the corner of the cafeteria. You weren't eating since you weren't really that hungry. Your headphones were in and were blasting your current favourite song into your ears.

It was relatively boring, since you had no close friends, and the only thought crossing your mind was: 'soon, the day will be over and I can finally go home.' And eventually, after 3 more hours of school, you could finally head home.


Enveloped in the game, you sat starring at the monitor as you moved around the map you were playing with skill. You did have homework but it wasn't due for a couple of days so it wasn't in your mind.

You were talking with a few people in game and it seemed they were the only ones you could call your 'friends'. As you were clearing and securing an area you glance at the time, noticing how it is close to 3:00am. You wait till you had finished the small mission before telling your 'friends' that you had to go. It was a quick goodbye and nothing fancy.

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