Never Settle

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Catherine had two main objectives for the day:

Finish the World Takeover plan,

Find herself a date.

As sad as it may sound, sometimes dating can be hard, and finding a perfect partner for a demonic being who is actively working on world domination can be a difficult task. Lonely nights are just as unpleasant to an existence that isn't necessarily guided by a heartbeat. It wasn't Catherine's fault that her parent's gave birth to a being who turns into a bat at night. The first time she sprouted wings, she didn't even notice it. Only after hitting her bedroom window once... (twice)... (could have been more times)... did she realise this was one hell of a weird situation she was in. How do you even begin to explain this to your parents? Sleep-walking? Ok, unusual, but manageable. Sleep-batmorphosis? Not exactly in the medical books... After subtle hints of throwing all the bibles away in the house, turning the crosses upside down when she walked by, plus that summer camp time when all of her peers were permanently traumatised... Yeah, her parents eventually were forced to catch on.

Therefore, her childhood was filled not only with clumsy first steps but also with the first wing flaps. Learning how to ride a bike was not as difficult as escaping the zoo she accidentally found herself in one night. Not to mention all those awkward years in high school. Kids were trying to learn how to kiss, while Catherine was learning how to suck the soul of her first postman... (not successful, the guy decided he is a dog and ate all the mail he had, the irony was tragically lost on the rest of the world).

It was a great way to bond with her parents though and time spent getting to know them while working on her evil plans was a very fun activity. Her mom taught her how to crush man's literal and metaphorical balls, while her dad let her get to know her inner self. In his mind, it should have shown the goodness in her heart, but all it did reveal was pretty much a lack of any heart whatsoever in her chest cavity.

All in all, Catherine did enjoy her early youth and now, having reached her thirties, her parents decided she should have someone special in her life too. Apparently The Evil Forces was not good enough answer, in their minds a spiritual entity will not put a roof over her head and a ring on her finger, so the speed dating will had to do. You would think the world domination part about her life was the difficult one...

The event was taking place at a Cocktail Bar near her parent's house, a quirky little building covered in old 'antique' dolls and unusual surrealistic paintings. Most of the lighting came from a few open face fireplaces and old candles scattered around the building. A lot of people call this place 'Dracula's killing ground', while some others see it as cosy. Catherine belonged to the latter group. The occasional red stains, that the owners swore were from red wine, were just a fun and stylish touch to the overall look of the establishment. Not to mention, the crime in the area was practically non-existent, especially after the bar was first opened, making it a very popular place on Friday nights.

After an hour drive Catherine finally reached the place and bravely strode in. The whole building was buzzing with people and the friendly laughs around her seemed to barely fit within the walls. The employees looked like they have never seen sunlight and had to protect themselves by wearing tight black leather uniforms. The male and female event hosts were working the room with their exaggerated perfect smiles and formal party clothes sticking to their sweaty bodies.

Yep, just the perfect place to be at on a Saturday night.

Catherine let out a slow sigh and moved towards the table with a sign "Registration" on it. The girl sitting there definitely wasn't older than 17 and seemed to care about her nails more than her beeping smartphone. One look at it revealed the name 'Bae' popping up on all the messages.

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