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S Y N O P S I S :

In a town where rumors spread like poisonous disease, what happens when she meets Jungkook, the one everyone is rumoring about.

• • •

❝Why would you want to know? WHY?❞, he yelled again punching on the wall near her head. He wanted to scare her. He wanted her to fear him. He wanted her to run away from him and never look back.

But instead of that, she didn't even blink. She buried her eyes in his, like she was trying to read him, like she was trying to break the walls around him that he was building his whole life.

❝Because I care...❞


W A R N I N G S : 

● Dark themes;

● Character death;

● Swearing;  


C O P Y R I G H T S :

All the rights are reserved. The story is fiction and the places and situations are product of my imagination. Any resemblance is pure coincidence.Please do not copy or plagiarize my work in any way. Plagiarism is a crime!




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