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"Dead?"Amaru's eyes widened. "What happened?"

"Angie said that Joseph had taken her to the hospital last night and they sent her home. She didn't wake up this morning, they don't know what exactly happened yet though."Damita explained and Amaru just stared at her waiting for reaction. He didn't get one.

"How do you feel?"Amaru grabbed her hand.

"I don't know."Damita shrugged. "I don't really feel anything right now. Maybe it'll hit me later."

"You want to keep shopping or you want to leave?"Amaru asked.

"We can go. Amari will be out of class soon. I don't want to miss her appointment."Damita got up from his lap and grabbed some of her bags. The rest of their wide was silent. Amaru wanted to say something, but he decided not to.

He figured that Damita needed some time to think. After all, he didn't even know what to say. Although, Katherine had caused most if not all the pain in Damita's life, he hoped that she still had a small amount of life in her heart to be sad about losing her.

Damita was face down in her phone playing her game like usual. They worried Amaru because he wanted her to show some emotion. He knew that if she didn't she would eventually shut down and have another episode.

"Baby?"Amaru sat his hand on her thigh and she looked up at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yes daddy, I'm fine. I'm surprised but I'm okay. I don't want to talk about it right now."She sat her hand on top of his and he leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"Are you going to tell the kids or you want me to tell them?"Amaru asked.

"Well, I'm sure Amari already knows. Give it a few days before we tell the twins. My babies are still happy from their birthday gifts, I'm not ready to take that away from them."Damita sighed and looked out of the window. Her phone started to blow up with text messages and phone calls from people who had heard the news. She turned it off and put it at the bottom of her purse.

Their family was very private, so people didn't really know about Damita and Katherine's differences.

They arrived home and Damita helped Amaru carry some of her things in the house. When they arrived Amari was already there.

"Momma. I came soon as I heard. Are you okay."Amari hugged her mother.

"I'm fine. Are you ready to go?"Damita grabbed her keys. "You coming, Daddy?"

"No-o I'm not ready for all that yet."Amaru laughed and threw his hands up.

"Alright Daddy, well we'll be back."Damita kisses his lips and walked out of the door.

They drove to their destination and Dr.Anderson saw them right away.

"Damita-a-a. Hi how are you."Dr.Anderson hugged Damita with a huge smile.

"I'm very well. How are you?"Damita smiled.

"I'm glad that you're doing good. Are we here for a checkup?"Dr.Anderson asked.

"We're actually here for my baby girl today. We just found out she's pregnant so I wanted to get her all checked out."Damita explained and Dr. Anderson nodded her head.

"Oh my god. I delivered you and now you're having a baby. How old are you now. I feel so old."Dr.Anderson sighed.

"I'm 21."Amari smiled.

"Wow. I can't believe I delivered you 21 years ago. Okay, enough of that. Let's get started. Lift up your shirt please."Dr.Anderson instructed and Amari raised up her shirt.

Dr.Anderson squirted the gel on her stomach on Amari cringed. "It's cold huh?"Damita laughed.

"It is."Amari giggled.

Dr.Anderson had do move the probe around a little so that she could find the baby since she was so smile.

"Ok. You see that little egg right there. That's your baby. You're only three weeks so the heartbeat is gonna be too soft to hear."Dr.Anderson pointed at the screen.

"Oh wow. It's so small."Amari's eyes widened.

"So it looks like you're approaching 3 weeks. Maybe about 2 weeks and 4 days. In a couple more weeks your baby will have legs."Dr.Anderson smiled and Amari was amazed.

"I really can't believe there's a baby on there."Amari blinked and kept looking at the screen.

"Have you had any symptoms yet?"Dr.Anderson asked.

"I threw up a couple of days ago, but nothing else yet. I haven't really felt anything else."Amari explained and Dr.Anderson shook her head.

"Mom, how you feeling over there? You're about to be somebody's grandmother."Dr.Anderson chuckled.

"Ooh girl don't say that. I'm so happy for my baby. I'm excited."Damita smiled. She was truly excited that her baby was having a baby.

"Okay Amari, you can hop off. Damita I'll give you some time to get undressed. I'll be back."Dr.Anderson left the room and Amari did too.

Damita undressed herself and pulled the sheet over her bottom half. Dr.Anderson came back, but Amari stayed in the waiting room to give her mother some privacy.

"Before I start, I want to know how you've been feeling since the miscarriage. How is your baby feeling."Dr.Anderson open her computer, ready to type.

"I've been feeling normal. I bled really heavy for the first few days, but it went away quick. I had some cramps but after about a week they were gone too. As of now, I'm good."Damita explained.

"What about sex? Does that feel normal? Any pain?"She asked.

"No not really. I feel a bit tighter than usual. Is that normal?"Damita asked.

"Yes that's normal. Especially if you guys weren't having sex. I'm going to take a look and make sure you're all good. So if you don't mind, put your feet in the stirrups."Dr. Anderson instructed and Damita followed her instructions.

She closed her eyes tightly as Dr.Anderson used her utensil to look around. That part always made her uncomfortable.

"Ok, so everything looks good. No swelling, no scaring."Dr.Anderson looked at the screen.

"Do you think I could have another baby if I wanted to?"Damita asked, biting her lip nervously.

"Honestly, I really think you could. All you have to do is rest. No stress and bed rest. I'm not really sure what happened with your last miscarriage. It shocked me because everything looked good, but sometimes these things just happen out of the blue."Dr.Anderson explained and Damita gave her a toothless smile.

"Is that what you want?"Dr.Anderson asked.

"I don't know. I think I will just let Amari have her baby first and see if I still want one. I mean having a baby sounds nice but am I really ready to that again?"Damita laughed.

"I'll tell you what. Focus on your grandchild right now and later down the line, if you still want a baby we'll do IVF.  Deal?"Dr.Anderson stuck her hand out.

"Deal."Damita smiled.

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