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"Baby, what's wrong? Why you sad?"Amaru grabbed his wife's hand and started to rub on it.

"Because-e-e"She started cry. "Amari is pregnant and I want a baby too. Why couldn't I have one?"She continued to cry and crossed her arms.

"First of all....What the fuck you just say? Amari is pregnant?"Amaru raised his voice. "When the hell did she start having sex with boys? You okay with that?"

"No I'm not. I wish she didn't do that, but she did. There's nothing we can do about it now. She had sex and she's been having sex."She continued and laid her head on his shoulder. "I mean, I am a little upset that she started having sex and didn't tell me due to the fact that she just had a girlfriend two months ago, but what can I do about that Amaru? She's an adult, she can have sex if she wants."

"So, what did you say when she told you that she was pregnant?" Amaru asked.

"I asked her if she had told Jermaine and if she was keeping it."Damita sighed and dried her face.

"Well, is she keeping it?"He asked.

"Yes."Damita replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Why?"Amaru asked her as if she had said something stupid. 

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you, so I'll just be done with this conversation. I already know where this is about to go, and I'm done talking about it. So, let's go take a shower."Damita rolled her eyes and got up from the bed.

"Ain't nobody trying to argue. It was just a damn question. I'm just saying, she's only 21 and she just turned 21. She has a lot more life left to live. She shouldn't be tied down with a man and a baby."Amaru shrugged.

"If I recall correctly, you started trying to get me pregnant when I was 21. We had Amari when I was 22, so what are you really trying to say?"Damita put her hands on her hips. "You felt tied down with a woman and a baby? I bet you did, that's how you acted too."

"You know that's not what I'm trying to say. It's different."Amaru replied, rubbing the back of his next. He realized that he had just put his foot in his mouth. "Come on, you said you wanted to take a shower, right."He grabbed her hand and tried to kiss her. Damita took her hand and pushed him away. "How is it different? Are you saying that she should get an abortion? I hope that's not what you're saying with the way you called me stupid and acted an ass when I did it."

Amaru sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "Baby, all I'm saying is maybe she's not ready.  Amari doesn't know anything about raising a baby."

"Ok, but neither did I. That's what she has me for. The same way Afeni taught me how to take care of her, I'll do the same thing for Amari."Damita replied matter of factly.  "I don't want her to get an abortion. The depression and the guilt that you feel after getting rid of your child would eat her up inside. If anything, that's what she's not ready for. I would never do that again and I wouldn't want anybody else to do it either."

"Aight babe, I get what you're coming from. Are you saying this because you want a baby too?"Amaru asked.

"Nooo. That's her baby. I want my own."Damita crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Give me another one."

"Baby...when Amari has her baby, it'll be just like it's yours. Just like Amari wanted to visit my momma all the time, we could be the same way with Amari's baby."Amaru hugged her and tried to reassure her.  Damita hugged him back and laid her head on his chest. "Don't start trying to be nice to me because you want to get nasty in the shower. You were just being mean."

Amaru laughed and shook his head. "I wasn't being mean. I was just trying to understand, that's all. Have you met the boy?"Amaru asked.

"I met him when she met him. I've never had a conversation with him though. He was at her birthday, he sat right across from me. Next to Erin."Damita explained. "She was seeing him behind Erin's back then they sat next to each other at her birthday party."

"Soo. That must be why Erin hit her. She found out and if she's pregnant now, they must've been having sex then. That's not cool, we gotta talk to her about that."Amaru shook his head.

"Not necessarily. It only takes one time to get pregnant baby. You should know that."Damita chuckled and walked to turn on the shower. "I'm sure they started somewhere around then though. Normally you won't be able to know you're pregnant until it's been about three weeks."

"I wanna meet this lil' nigga, because I'm trying to figure out how in the hell my daughter just had a girlfriend months ago and now she's pregnant. That shit don't add up to me."Amaru scrunched up his face trying to think. He started to take off his clothes to get in the shower with Damita.

"Amari isn't as innocent as you think in this situation babe. She knew what she was doing. As much as you probably don't want to believe it, it was her doing. Jermaine only told her that she couldn't have him if she had Erin so she broke up with her.  He didn't force anything, she did what she wanted to do."Damita explained and Amaru sighed. He wasn't ready for that. He didn't want to know about his first born having sex. Now that she was pregnant, he had no choice but to know.

"I'm locking Aaliyah in the house. I don't want her to start getting no ideas. We already got two kids having sex around here."Amaru laughed and Damita started laughing too. "Aaliyah isn't interested in any sex. Her and little boyfriend haven't even kissed yet."

"Boyfriend? What the fuck she doing with a boyfriend?"Amaru tensed up and started to get mad.

"Baby relax. It's innocent. Besides she'll be 16 next week. I think she's old enough to have her first little boyfriend."Damita giggled because of how serious Amaru had gotten. "You didn't say anything about Amaru having a girlfriend, so don't get on Liyah's case. We can trust her, it's your son that we can't trust. He won't see another girl until he's fucking 35. I'm still young, I don't need all these grandkids."

"I gave him some condoms. He'll be fine."Amaru chuckled and Damita got upset. "You did what?"She cut her eyes at him.

"Rela-a-ax. He hasn't used any of them yet, I just thought he'd need them since he didn't use any last time. I mean I rather him tell me that he's doing it than speak and do it like he was doing at first.  I know you probably don't want him doing it, but it's bound to happen. Girls are throwing themselves at him. I was in the same boat, he ain't gone pass them all up."Amaru laughed and Damita rolled her eyes. "So how many girls didn't you pass up? How many women were there before me?"

"Does it matter? I mean I've been with you forever and you've never asked me before so why do you want to know now." Amaru chuckled nervously.

"Because we're on the subject. So how many?"Damita crossed her arms.

Amaru rubbed the back of his next and tried to look away from her.  When he looked up she was still in the same position staring into his soul.

"Ima be honest. It's bout' 20."He pursed his lips and closed his eyes, waiting for her to cuss him out and give him an earful.

"Oh."She shrugged and turned around to face the shower.

"Oh? That's it? You don't have anything else to say?"He asked, confused.

"Nope. That's it. I mean why would I be upset? You're mine, you've only been with me for the past 25 years. I can't help that you were nasty before me. That's your business."Damita giggled and started to bathe him.

"Ok. I guess."Amaru laughed and kissed her on the forehead. "I love you, that's all that matters."

"Mmhmm. I love you too."Damita playfully rolled her eyes.

"Seriously though, I need both of them lil niggas at our house ASAP. I need to meet them and make sure I don't need to whup no ass."Amaru for serious again really quick and Damita started laughing.

"That's a conversation you gotta have with your daughters, daddy."

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