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"Oh my god! Amaru, I haven't seen you in forever."A shrill woman voice yelled.

"Hey-y."Amaru smiled awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."She chuckled and flipped her hair. Damita rolled her eyes.

"Ooh Danita Hi. You two are still together...I see."She cringed.

"And you still have bleached blonde hair...Even Faith let it go. Go black honey, your greys are showing."Damita pointed at her roots.

Emery rolled her eyes and Amaru squeezed Damita's hand and she glared at him.

"Matching outfits...cute"She chuckled. "Even the Baby has one. She looks kind of young, is this not the one you got married with?"

"Oh..trying to be funny. How many children do you have?"Damita touched her finger to her temple. "Oh right..you don't have any."

"For your information. I didn't want any children."Emery put her hand on her hip.

"Aww, so are you carousing around Disney land looking for some man to make you his stepwhore?"Damita shot her fake sad look and started to laugh.

"Yeah...yours."Emery smirked and Damita stopped laughing. Amaru quickly grabbed her arm. "Alright Baby, let's go."

She took a deep breath and started counting to 10 in her head. "You know, I'm not going drag you because my baby really wants to be here. But what I will do is this."Damita stuck out her tongue and licked the side of her husband's face. "You wish Bitch."She laughed and grabbed his hand.

Aaliyah sneezed and Emery yelled "bless you."

"Bless you, Sorry My baby is allergic to whores."Damita laughed and they walked away.

"Daddy who is that?"Aaliyah asked her father.

"One of his old tramps."Damita answered before Amaru could say anything. Amaru just laughed and they continued to walk through the park.

"I'm happy you didn't hit her, especially after that last comment. You're making progress."Amaru kisses Damita on the cheek and she rolled her eyes.

"Only because I don't want my baby to get kicked out of here, but when we we're done here, she could meet me in the parking lot. I don't think I beat her ass good enough."Damita shrugged.

"Why did you fight her, mommy?"Aaliyah asked.

"Because she kissed your daddy. He was about to get his ass punched too, but his grandmother saved him."Damita laughed. "I did not play with him back in the day. I used to be so ready to beat him up."

"Used to be?"Amaru mumbled and Damita pushed him. "Shut up."

Aaliyah stood between both her parents and grabbed their hands. She loved being alone with them. She felt like her siblings caused problems. They barely wanted to things as a family anyway, they had too much going on.

"Oooh lets get on that!"Aaliyah excitedly pointed at a roller coaster by the name of Crush's Coaster. It was based on the turtle Crush from finding Nemo.

They used their fast passes to skip the line and were taking up top to get in the roller coaster car. It was meant for four people, so the ride technician called for one more person to join them.

Emery and her "family" were at the same ride as them so she volunteered. She was with her husband and his three children.

"You're really itching for me to slap you, aren't you."Damita smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Relax baby, you know daddy ain't worried about this Bitch. Excuse my language princess."He laughed and pushed Emery away from him. "Why you ain't wait to get on the ride with your family, anyway? They hate you too."Amaru joked.

They pulled the seatbelts around their waists and got prepared for the ride to start.

Before starting, Damita turned around to look at Emery. "I don't give a damn how scared you get. If your skin touches his skin, ima slap fire from your ass. Do you hear me?"Damita spoke to her as if she were one of her children.

"You heard her?"Amaru instigated and left some space between them. As much as he'd like to see Damita slap Emery, he wasn't going to let her do it. They were in a foreign country and he didn't want his wife going to French prison.

The ride started and they all began to shout and hold their hands in the air.

After all the dips and turns the ride was over. When the ride was over they all climbed off and Emery waved at them.

Damita rolled her eyes and shot her the middle finger. "Sick of this whore."

"Relax baby. She went back to her old ass husband."Amaru laughed and grabbed Damita by the wait. Emery's husband looked as if he was pushing 70. His hair was white as snow along with his beard.  They had three teenagers with them that looked very uninterested in being there with her.

"Daddy. She is so raggedy, I'm glad you got with Mommy."Aaliyah laughed and shook her head. It was evident Emery had let herself go.

"Enough of about that whore. What do you want to do next, Liyah?"Damita asked.

"I want to get on more rides!"Aaliyah smiled excitedly.

They got on more rides, played games, ate and stayed until the park closed. They were all worn out.

"Damn, I'm tired."Damita yawned and laid on Amaru's shoulder. "Did you have fun, sweetie?"

"Yes Mommy. It was the best day ever."Aaliyah smiled and hugged both her parents. "I really have the best parents ever."

"I'm glad you love us so much. Now if you'd rub off on your siblings, that'd be nice."Damita chuckled and kissed Aaliyah on the cheek.

"I'm sure they love us too, baby."Amaru laughed.

"They sure have a funny way of showing it. Especially that damn son of ours."Damita rolled her eyes. "He apologized to me, but he hasn't been all loving like he used to be before he started having sex..those girls really changed my son."

"It's just a phase baby. He'll come around. It's just a teenager thing."Amaru rubbed her back to reassured her.

They arrived at the hotel and went their separate ways. Amaru and Damita went to go take their shower and Aaliyah did the same.

"I'm ready to go home now. I need my medicine."Damita joked and Amaru laughed with her. "This is the longest I've gone without it in a very long time."

"Well, we only have two more days here. You'll be back getting high in no time."Amaru laughed.

"I haven't been really worried about it. Something else had me occupied."Damita smirked and rubbed on his chest.

"What's that?"Amaru asked.

"You."She smiled and kissed him.

"Uh oh."He laughed and put his arm around her waist.

"Knock me out, Daddy."Damita licked his face.

That was always her favorite part of their nights.

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