Floating Island

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                                                                                 Dipper's POV

I look down at my sister, she's in a horrible condition, I scream as loud as I can. But it's no use, whenever I scream they never help, they're all heartless they're all... inhuman. Hey, I'm feeling kind of sleepy, NO!  I can't leave my sister alone.  Dipper changs the chemicals inside his body to adrenaline, but it only lasts so long.

                                                                                 Ragar's POV

How did I escape? Ragar thought to himself, to give you some context, when everyone was taken they were all placed on a specific part of the island called the SlavesBound it's been around 2 days since Ragar was separated from them I know what I need to do  Ragar started running towards the center of the island.

                                                                                 Mabel's POV

I'm in a dream. I see myself walking up, coming forward receiving a medal I'm talking to a queen... She's talking to me " Come, child, don't you wish to know your fate." I step forward "You shall encounter a great test of strength, a demon of unimaginable power threatened by that of your own will try to destroy you, and believe himself capable of doing so. You will easily be able to kill him but there is one thing you must remember, HIS DEATH WILL LEAD TO THE END, YOU MUST NOT KILL HIM, OR HE WHO LOVES YOU MOST, AND HE WHO YOU LOVE MOST WILL DIE IF YOU FAIL TO DO THIS YOU WILL BECOME THE ULTIMATE DESTROYER OF REALITY, DO NOT FAIL US MABEL." Suddenly the woman disappeared I found myself standing alone

                                                                             Bill's POV

I sense something wrong with Mabel, DEAR GOD, she's trapped in the Floating Island, THOSE BASTARDS, Bill suddenly transformed the air into a battle suit with airbags and complete protection he was on the island "DIE, YOU ASSHOLES." 

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(Hey guys thanks for all the love and support. I know recently the story hasn't been too great, but I really needed to set the guidelines or essentially prologue for the story that will come ahead. Anyways thanks for all the love and support guys, especially with my recent writing, I'll still try to update every day, it's been harder recently, because I've been so busy. One day I wasn't even able to update, because I had a violin concert, but I still try and will continue to. If I don't update one day don't worry I should update the next unless a horrible emergency takes place. Best wishes, have a great time in general Bye;)

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