Two Small One-Shorts? AU and Donchard

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys they aren't coming" I said turning around to my friends. I had known my friend Uni for a while and in situations like these he always get pretty pissed off rather quickly.

"Let me try!" He almost streamed opening the door only to get a bucket of fake blood all over his costume, there were some people in front of the door pointing at Uni holding in their laughter. "DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH AT ME! I WILL BITE YOUR LEGS OFF" Uni threatened growling, this only had the people in front of him to start laugh.

Ashlie and Nick was cracking up (about to laugh) hanging on each other not to fall on the ground, Tommy made his weird laugh "NAAAAHAAAAAA!" and me, Dawn and Jon just stood there with poker faces. Soon enough Dawn walked up to Uni trying to calm him down.

"OMG LOOK HE IS EVEN IN A DOG COSTUME!" A girl with red clothing and white hair laughed falling on the floor.

"Okay I think that is enough" I said making a hand movement to calm them down.

"But come on Cor, it was pretty funny" Ashlie snickered still full of laughter.

"Yeah but he is our friend, we still need to respect him" Nick stated making a cough, Ashlie got herself together and smiled. "Now let's start over, I am Nick, this is Ashlie" Nick said pointing at the red haired witch.

"And the green and purple killer jester over here is Jon, that blue Robot is Dawn, that yellow thing is Tommy, the werewolf is Uni and Cory" Nick said pointing at everyone.

"Hey!" Me and Tommy said turning to Nick, " But who are you people? And why do you look like copies of us?" Tommy asked bluntly.

"Excuse~ you but--" Another guy dressed as a werewolf started off with but stopped when he got his eyes on Uni, he just stood there for a while and looked really amazed.

"Okay you dummy get out of here" A reddish vampire said, "My name is Drez but call me Dick, this is Dashlie the worst person you will ever met, that is Don who doesn't know where to be at, that love dork over there is Duni, that red Robot is DDawn and then we have Dory and Dommy... Yeah they are just here"

"Shut up Dick!" That Dory guy said clenching his fists.

"Okay I am just gonna" I said as I pushed myself through them into the party.

The rest of the night was pretty okay nothing to weird happened, until midnight came. Ashlie, Nick, Tommy and Jon was on the dance floor dancing, Uni and Dawn had found the owner of the party and was talking to him and I was where the sofas was just shipping on a soda can. I looked around to see if I could spout those weird guys from when we first came to the party, Duni and DDawn were just in some corner talking.

All of the suddenness I heard someone scream "ARE YOU EYEBALLING ME?!?!" I looked to see that Drez person and Dashlie person about to fight but Don and Dommy dragged them away from each other.

"What a party" I sighed putting down my soda can. Then there was a crash right behind me, I was frozen and when I looked at everyone else around me I saw that they had terrified faces.

"Cory don't turn around" Said Ashlie in a shaky voice. I remembered her advice and sunk down into the sofa and looked up, then I saw a green moldy monster looking at down at me. After that I just started sprinting, everyone else started to run as well and they also started to scream.

"CORY, YOU MUP COME HERE" I heard Tommy scream, I turned around to see that they found a hiding stop. I ran to them as quickly as possible jumping over a few things before climbing into where all of my friends were hiding.

"What are we going to do?" Jon said scared.

"I don't know but--" I stopped as I saw something shining behind Nick. "What you got there Nick?"

"Huh? What-- Oh what is that?!?!" Nick screamed terrified jumping back a bit. I crawled over to the thing in the ground and dug it up. "

W-What is it?" Ashlie asked stammering a bit.

"Some sort of button" I said turning myself to my friends. "Should I click it?" Everyone nodded.

I clicked it.

And that is how our hero journey started.

(Before you decided to steal this superhero story line, please give credit and I have actually been thinking of making my own story on this. I'm a sucker for superheroes and heroines you see :>)

So these are like a few months old so my writing skills may or may not be better or worse then these one shorts right here.

But I decided to publish these now because I want Little_Comicx to see my writing skills, we are working on a story together you see and yeah.

Oh and before you ask, yes I wrote these before Bri came on YouTube. Yeah these are THAT old.

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