I knew that she did in fact pick this dress out just for me. But it was the other men that were going to be in that room that were bothering me. She is not getting off of my arm for more than a few minutes tonight.

Somehow I managed to hear as Hans Croft begin Roza's introduction. So, as much as I hated it, I broke away from our kiss. I lay my forehead against hers for a bit, both of our breathing was ragged and fast and I knew that we needed to calm ourselves.

"Everyone, please help me welcome our new queen. Her royal majesty, Queen Rosemarie Rana Marisol Ivashkov."

With those words we walked in in the very same formation that we had to the coronation. This time, Roza received a standing ovation, after she had instructed everyone to rise of course.

I could not believe the dress that she had chosen. It was a blood red, sheath column deep V-neck Watteau train satin evening dress. With ruffle beading and a split up the front, that stopped about three inches above her right knee. It had a strap that went around her neck and crisscrossed across her back. It was sleeveless and instead of zipping up the back, since there was actually very little back to it, it zipped up what little side there is. The beading went down the valley between her breast and back up over the swell of those full delicious breasts. She also wore Louboutin six-inch heeled pumps in a matching red.

Once again she caused a stir when we walked in, I was right when I told her how the men would react. Every eye in that room was on us, the men wanting to be me. And the women wishing they ever looked anywhere near as beautiful as my Roza. No matter how pretty some of the women were, they couldn't ever even hope to hold a match much less a candle to my Roza.

The banquet lasted for a couple of hours, and when the cake was wheeled out it looked amazing. The decorators had managed to accomplish everything that Roza had asked for. They had also attached the sides of the heart with little white chocolate bands painted gold. They looked like little wedding bands actually, somehow I figured that Tatiana had that done on purpose as a gentle nudge or a reminder to me. But I didn't need one I had already gotten Roza an engagement ring when the jewelers had come to the house a few days ago. Now, all I needed was the perfect time and place to propose to my soul mate.

Dinner was an interesting affair, every time that I looked up, men were ogling my woman. Did they not understand that not only was she the queen, but that she was taken? Of course, I should be used to her being ogled. Most all the male students, faculty and guardians over the age of puberty had done the exact same thing at St. Vladimir's. There had always been someone watching her with lust filled eyes.

I think Mason, Eddie and Christian were the only male students that didn't ogle her. Yuri and Emil, as far as I know, were the only guardians under the age of fifty to refrain from staring at her. Not that there had been any guardians over the age of fifty. I had even caught a few of the female guardians watching her with keen interest. What had shocked me was that even considering how Alto had treated her I caught him watching her way too closely for my sanity. I had watched him watch her more than once, and it had infuriated me until I was almost to the point of just beating him to death. Thankfully, just before I lost it completely he had to leave.

But that still didn't make me feel a bit better about men watching her. But I knew that she was taken, and that was all that truly mattered. I also knew that if she needed to, that she would put all of them in their places. If she got to them before I did.

"Yes, I am taken, by you. Calm down lyubov' moy, you are the only one that will ever have any part of my heart, mind, body or soul." (my love)

"I know lyubov' moya. It is just difficult seeing all of these men staring at you. Some of them could give you so much more than I ever could." (my love)

Queen Thorn (complete)Where stories live. Discover now