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Arjun on the other hand, shouted, screamed and didn't know what to do and how to apologise. He was extremely ashamed of what his brother-in-law had done. He couldn't think of any way in which he could repay for all the humiliation and disgrace given by Mr. Trikha.

He was also disappointed that Vrinda had not answered to any of his notes that he had sent to her. He hadn't heard from her at all.

Mr. Trikha, on the other hand, was extremely happy in accomplishing his desired goal.

"See, I told you Arjun. I warned you. This wasn't going to last anyway. Get over it and move on. Who knows she might have already!" Exclaimed Mr. Trikha.

"This is not over yet. She might not love me but I love her and we will get back together. It's just a matter of time. I'm not going to let go of her so easily. I'll make sure of it, unless she wants it." Spoke Arjun with a determined voice.

"Let's see. Only time will tell then." Spoke Arjun.

"Yes, it will." Said Arjun and then went away.

Arjun had another restless night because of the non responsiveness he received on Vrinda's end. He was really upset about it and this made him realise that one should cherish each moment with the ones we love, because some moments gone, never return.

Arjun woke up to the sound of his ringtone the next morning. He got up groggily and adjusted his eyes to the light of his phone.

When Arjun saw Vrinda's name flashing on his screen, he braced himself for hearing, 'I am sorry but this relationship is over.' But to his surprise, when he picked up his phone and answered it, Vrinda said,

"Meet me at the park on the same bench in the next thirty minutes. We need to talk."

"Vrinda, I-" was all Arjun could say before Vrinda hung up.

Arjun bolted up and ran to his washroom to take a shower and then hurriedly dressed to meet Vrinda at the place where they used to go very often. He drove his bike and was as nervous to meet her today as he was when he had to meet her for the first time.

He parked his bike outside the park and then with nervous steps, went and waited for Vrinda to reach at the designated place in the next ten minutes.

When Arjun saw the time on his watch, he saw that the time was up and Vrinda could reach anytime now. As soon as he looked up towards the entrance of the park, he saw Vrinda enter in a pink flannel and light blue denims. He went to her, greeted her like they were meeting for the first time. He was about to hug her but decided instead and just gave her a welcoming nod. She was not looking in a mood to talk.

Looking at her body language and facial expressions Arjun said, "Hey."

"Hey." Vrinda replied.

"Listen, I am extremely sorry for whatever wrong my brother-in-law said to your sister-" Vrinda cut him off mid sentence and spoke,

"Look, I was in no mood to excuse you for what your brother-in-law did but my sister said that you were not a participant in all this. Also, the flowers and the notes that you sent me were very sweet but not up to the point where you could persuade me to forgive you."

Arjun's face dropped significantly as he anticipated that Vrinda was here to officially tell him to call this relationship off.

"Earth to Arjun!" Vrinda said, snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"Huh? What?" Arjun said, clearly asking her to repeat the latter part of the speech that he had missed.

"I said that whatever happened, happened. Let it be in the past now. I want to start afresh. I don't want any hard feelings between us anymore. But you have to make sure that this doesn't happen again, okay?"

"Ye-yes I promise I will make sure that this does not happen again..." Arjun said with tears of happiness in his eyes.

"Thank you so much! I thought I lost you forever. I love you Vrinda and I'm going to stand by you, even if it has to be against my own family!" Arjun spoke while he pulled Vrinda into an affectionate embrace.

"I thought I lost you too, Arjun. I love you too. But please, stop sending me those flowers. They are way to sappy and my room is totally filled with them. There's barely any space left to walk or sit!" Vrinda said while crying and hugging Arjun back.

"Haha, not so easy, baby, you loved them, didn't you?" Arjun asked Vrinda while he pulled away from the embrace but kept his hands loosely on her waist.

"I did. But-" Vrinda was cut off when Arjun said,

"That was the whole point of it. You can tell me that my charms can be a little hard to resist. I won't judge you." Arjun said and chucked.

"Only sometimes!" Vrinda said and grinned at him.

They stayed in each other's company for some more time, a comfortable silence engulfing them until Arjun broke the silence and said,

"It's good to have you back Vrinda. You don't know how scared I was that I might have lost you forever." Arjun spoke and then stepped back and continued,

"This-" He said gesturing to him and Vrinda.

"Us. This is what love does. It brings back the people who love each other. No matter what happens." Saying this, he smiled warmly at Vrinda.

"I love you." Vrinda said.

"God, I can never get tired of hearing those words from your mouth. Ever, I bet-" Arjun said and then smirked at Vrinda before continuing,

"Our children will be lucky to hear this epic love story of their parents."

They both looked amusingly at each other and then burst out laughing, throwing their heads back.

"Anyway, as fun as this is, I need to get to work and you do too." Vrinda said while looking at her watch to see that it was fifteen minutes past nine. She had fifteen minutes to get to her office.

"Yeah, we do. Come, I'll drop you off to the bank." Arjun offered and Vrinda nodded her head.

Five minutes later they arrived at her bank and before Vrinda could walk away, Arjun held her wrist and pulled her back and asked.

"Listen, what are your plans for tonight?"

"Nothing that I know of. Why?" Vrinda asked.

"Then be ready by seven in the evening. We're going for dinner. And yeah, before you speak, I'll take the permission from mom." Arjun said and Vrinda just smiled lovingly at him.

"See you at seven, babe." Vrinda said and Arjun smirked at her after recovering from his short moment of shock.

'She called me babe!' He thought and then played calm and yelled,

"Love you honey." And then drove off.

Vrinda just chuckled and entered the bank, ready for another enthusiastic day at work.

And just like that everything was back to normal. They both were very happy now. They worked at their respective offices with utmost dedication and then had an awesome evening with each other at the diner.

They went to a fast food restaurant and talked about everything that had happened while they weren't in contact.

Arjun said that he understood that for her, her family will always be the utmost priority and nothing will ever be able to change that. Vrinda said that she will not judge him based on the actions someone else does. They enjoyed each other's company and could not wait to do this more often, all day, everyday.

But what they didn't know was that for how long were they going to be like this? How long will their happiness last?


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