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Arjun tried to contact Vrinda, meet her in all possible ways but she was in no mood to even see his face, forget about talking. He was completely heartbroken to see that the girl he loves was not even interested in talking to him. She had completely backed off from this relationship. Arjun internally cursed Mr. Trikha for the disaster he cause in his love life but Arjun was not going to back down without putting up a fight.

Vrinda, on the other hand was completely shattered. She couldn't imagine that the boy who made her fall so fast for him would do that to her. She decided that it was time to let go of this relationship, of Arjun, forever.

Vrinda mustered some courage and called Arjun up one day. After a ring or two, he picked up her phone, relieved to see the name flashing on his phone's screen. He had been waiting too long to hear her voice, to tell her that everything could go back to normal, just the way it was before all this happened. He couldn't control his happiness and spoke,

"Hi, I've been trying to contact you since forever! Where the hell were you in the past couple of days? You had me worried so bad babe. I thought I lost you. Listen I-" was all Arjun could say before Vrinda interrupted him.

"No you listen to me! You know what's the worst part about falling for the wrong guy? You fall anyway, even though you know that the relationship will never sustain. Anyway, I just called you up to inform you that it's over, we're over, officially. Have a happy life and I'll always wish the best for you. It was nice knowing you, Arjun, but this has to end. Goodbye." Vrinda said and was about to cut the phone when she heard Arjun whispering,

"I love you Vrinda."

Tears sprung in her eyes she spoke, "You've lost the right to say this to me now. It's too late." And cut the phone.

As soon as Vrinda kept the phone down, she started crying bitterly. This was a hard task that she had carried out and she knows that now there was no looking back on her past. It was not easy for her to speak these words to Arjun because they were totally false.

She said that to him only in the hope that he might start disliking her and could move on in his life without any regret. Even though she was one of the strongest person, emotionally, she was too vulnerable at this point of time. She didn't know how to lessen the pain that she was feeling.


Arjun, on the other hand was as miserable as Vrinda. His entire demeanour had become depressed and he couldn't concentrate on anything except lament the fact that he lost the love of his life at the lands of a stupid misunderstanding.

"Damnit, how can I be so careless. I just lost the love of my life because of a bloody misunderstanding. I knew what that man was capable of but I still didn't take him seriously." Arjun screamed at himself and punched the wall.

"I need to do something. I need to fix this. I have to get her back. I can't just sit here and wait for her to marry some other guy. I need to get my girl back. She belongs with me and no one else. I won't let her get over me so easily." Arjun said and then immediately drove to the nearest florist to his house.

"Hey, can you please deliver a bouquet of black orchids to this address everyday for the next month, before 8:00 am?" Arjun asked the florist and handed him the address for Vrinda's house.

"Sure. Consider it done." Said the florist.

"Thanks man. And yeah, just add a tag with these words." Arjun spoke again and handed him a small piece of paper which had a note scribbled on it.

The florist nodded and then went back to doing his own work and Arjun went home, hoping that this might win Vrinda over. This time, for good.


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