"When I tell you promise to keep an open mind about it."

Ok. What the hell is going on?


"Alright.....I'mawerewolf," he said really fast that I didn't catch what he said.


He takes a deep breath and breathes it out through clenched teeth.

"I'm a werewolf," he says while looking closely at me looking for my reaction.


I blink and look at him. He is dead serious.

Then I burst out laughing. I mean he actually thinks he is a werewolf. I'm laughing so hard my sides start to hurt, so I curl up into a ball and continue to laugh with tears streaming down my face.

"Wooooo....you really had me there. You actually believe you are a werewolf! Ha this is classic. You even crazier than I thought. Now tell me whats really going on." My laughter has calmed to the occasional chuckle, but when I look back at Conrade it looks like his eyes have gotten darker and he's scowling at me.

Oops someone's a little angry.

"I'm being serious Ja'nia. I'm a werewolf." He says pleading for me to believe him.

"Yeah and I'm slender man. This is the weirdest pillow talk ever, I swear man."

He growls at me. "This isn't a joke Ja'nia. You know what i'm going to prove it to you."

"Okay Mr.Wolfy go do yo' thang." I snicker.

He huffs but gets up and struts across the room. Ooo la la what a mighty fine body he has. I didn't get to appreciate it last night, but I am now! He has the perkiest butt thats slightly pink with a hand print on it.

I look at my hand. Oops. I must have been more wild than I thought. His back has nail marks everywhere and I think thats blood. Oo shit. I look at my nails and see dried up blood under them.

Oo shit.

"Conrade..," I start, "I am so sor.."

"Enough," he interrupts me, " I don't even feel it. Now watch closely."

He stands in the middle of the room and looks at me intently. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them they are a glowing silver and I watch with wide eyes as fur sprouts out everywhere, his nose and mouth elongates, and the sound of bones cracking fills the room.

WHAT THE FUCK? This isn't twilight what the fuck is happening right now?

I blink and there is the largest wolf I have ever seen standing where Conrade used to stand. Its silver eyes watches me intelligently and his midnight black fur sheens from the light coming through the window.

"Conrade. Okay you can come out now this isn't funny anymore." I whisper and look around waiting for him to pop out from being the wolf and say gotcha or something.

I squeak with fear and watch with wide eyes as the wolf/beast/bear starts walking towards me and lowers its head as if to say 'calm down, i'm not going to hurt you.'

Fat chance of that happening.

I watch with bated breath as the wolf comes closer and when he's on the right side of the bed, I fling myself over the bed on the left side and usain bolt to the door. The door is so close, but before I can grab the doorknob I smack into a fur covered wall and fall onto my ass. Damn that wolf is fast.

"Ouch." I say rubbing my sore ass. The wolf whines as if to say 'sorry' and licks my face. Ewww wolf slobber.

Ok, now I'm a believer.

I push his snout away from me and stand up frowning. Even when i'm standing at my height of 5'6 I still need to crane my neck to look into his eyes. The wolf snorts and looks at me with amusment in his eyes.

"Hey its your fault I fell in the first place. No laughing." I pout. The wolf snorts again and leans his head towards me. I'm starting to understand his non verbal commands and it looks like he is saying 'touch me.' I stand on my tip toes and reach my hand towards his head to scratch his silky fur behind his ears. He growls with appreciation and I giggle.

"I guess I can live with this even though its weird as fuck." He growls again and lays down on his stomach at my feet with his head on his paws. I reach down and stroke his back. His tail starts wagging and knocks a lamp and a side table over. Oops. Giggling I straddle his back.

He stands up with me on his back and looks back at me as if waiting for instructions. I lean forward and open the door then wrap my arms around his neck. 

"Onward puppy." He growls at the term 'puppy' but nevertheless runs out the room, down the stairs, out the back door, and towards the woods in his backyard. Looking up I see the sun coming up and the most beautiful sun set. Today is going to be a good day.

A/N: Anotha update *hoot hoot*


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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