Chapter 3:My mate is a human?

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**** Im gonna try to write a boy pov haha wish me luck!!!

*Conrade POV*

As I walk through the hallway I see all of the kids in my pack bow their heads respectfully in my direction. Im 24 and the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack and I demand respect. My pack isn't the largest and the most dangerous pack in the world for nothing.

'Why am I doing this? Im an Alpha for goddesses sake.' I ask myself.

My wolf, Vincent, chuckles. 'Just do it for the kids Rade'

'I am doing it for the kids, but I have pack business to take care of. And with the threat of Jax and his group of rouges I don't have the time.' I grumble back.

'Oo come on. They do the same thing everytime. They talk about war but they never follow through with it. And since we have no mate they have no leverage over us.' I just grumble some more and open the door to the classroom right as the bell rings.

Then the sweetest smell I have ever smelt hits my sensitive nose. Its like a mixture of jasmine and vanilla.

I follow the intoxicating scent into the class and I drown in the deepest chocolate eyes I have ever seen and a shiver runs down my spine. Those eyes make you want to just forget all your worries and look into them forever. They make you want to promise them anything.

She is so beautiful. Her skin is a dark chocolate and soft looking. It makes me wonder if it tastes as good as it looks. Her lips are so full and plump they make me want to suck and nibble on them until they are raw and swollen. I can feel my friend downstairs getting hard and these pants becoming tight and uncomfortable.

Vincent is chanting something over and over but this girl has me so mesmerized I can't make out what he is saying.

Finally Vincent yelps really loud 'MATE'. And my world stops.

My mom has told me countless stories about finding your mate. They sounded nice and all but I never really wanted to find mine. I liked my player lifestyle and never thought I would change it for anything, but as I gaze into those large doe like chocolate orbs they make me rethink everything. But what shocked me the most is the fact that she is a human.

I snap out of my trance and look away from those chocolaty orbs. I look around the classroom and clear my throat nervously. "Hello students. My name is Mr.Green and I am your new english teacher."

"Why don't we go around the classroom and everybody can introduce themselves and tell us something that you like." I point to a kid in the front from my pack. "Jason you start."

"Jason. I like surfing." "Chad. I like hangin with friends." "Lexi. I absolutly love texting and getting my nails done." "Emily. I like playing basketball." And this continues on with everybody saying there name and something that they like.

During this, my eyes keep straying to my mate. She has her head tilted downwards and her silky brown hair covering parts of her face, but thats not what catches my attention.

She is biting her lip. She. Is. Biting. Her. Lip.

And cue the tightening of the pants.

Im staring so intently at those lips; I don't even realize my name is being called.

"Mr.Green.......Mr.Green........MR.GREENNNNN." I glance sharply at the irratated female voice.

"Did you hear what I said?" I growl softly but menacingly, so that only werewolves can hear, at the disrespectful tone in her voice.

"Would you like to repeat that." I narrow my eyes at the girl and watch as her eyes widen in alarm.

"I-I-Im s-sorry Alp" I silence her with a look and glance at my mate to see her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You may sit down Macy. Next." Macy sits down with a huff. The girl seated next to my mate stands up.

"Hi. My name is Cortney and I enjoy listening to music specifically rap and hip hop." She plops back down into her seat and them my mate stands up.

I watch as she takes a deep breath holds her head high and says with a throaty and husky voice. "Hello. My name is Ja'nia but everybody calls me Jay. I like eating, sleeping, watching Scandal and running track." And then she sits down.

Ja'nia. I roll that name around in my mind a few times and Vincent agrees that it is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

Goddess I have already turned into a cliched sap and she has barely spoken a word to me.

"Okay everybody I want you all to take out your journals and write about anything you want. It can be about your dreams, a past memory, a personal hero. Anything. This is completely confidential so anything you write is between you and me. You will have the rest of the class period to do this. Get to work."

I sit behind my desk and pull out a book from my briefcase and try to read. I hear the scratches of pencils on notebooks and glance at my mate.

Her heads down and she is biting her lip in concentration with a cute little crease in between her eyebrows. Her pencil is moving furiously across the page and I wonder what she is writing.

Then another thought hits me. Does she have a boyfriend? If she does thats going to have to end real quick. The thought makes Vincent agitated and he starts pacing in my mind and growling.

She is mine and nobody touches whats mine.

*****Soo what did ya think? Comment and vote plzz. 

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