Chapter 2:New Teacher

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*Ja'nia POV*

Jackson whips the car into the parking lot of Wolfsbane High and I bang my head against the passenger side window. "Oww" I whimper feeling the growing bumb on the side of my head. "Oo stop being a big baby" Jackson says as he slams into a parking spot an inch away from hitting the mercedes benz in front of us.

"Jackson you nearly hit an old lady walking across the street with her shopping bags, nearly ran over a stop sign, and you almost hit a man walking his dog ON THE SIDEWALK. You are never and I mean  never driving this car again" I screeched.

He just rolled his eyes and gets out of the car. "Whatever Jay you know I can be the next fast and furious" He pops his collar and brushes off imaginary lent from his shoulder.

"More like the next Die Hard" I mutter while we walk through the parking lot and just like 3 days ago, everybody is staring and whispering at us. We just moved to Chicago a week ago when our dad got transferred  because of his job.

*Flashback to the first day*

We get out of the car with me screaming profanities at Jackson and his lack of driving skills. "Who the hell gave you a lisence?" I finished. But before he could answer I noticed that everybody in the school parking lot is staring at us. They look confused and dumfounded. Some even had there mouths open. There was absolute silence. You could hear a pin drop.

"Oo shit" I whisper to Jackson " Just walk towards the school and act like they aint there." But of course Jackson, being the dumbass that he is, yells "Hey everybody Jack and Jay in the HOUSEEEE." Nobody laughs and its even more awkward then it was before.

I hit Jackson upside his head and start walking quickly towards the entrance and he followed quickly after. As if on some silent cue that I missed everybody starts whispering and pointing at us.

"These people rude as hell" I whisper to Jackson as the whispers and pointed looks continued. A cheerleader we passed sneers at me and says " Go back to where you came from human."

I was really tempted to turn around and slap her into the next century, but before I could Jackson grabs my arm and starts hauling me towards the school. "Come at me b*tch. Ill cut off those fake boobs and shove them up your vig""Jay" Jackson inturrupts me "she is standing next to the HULK. It would be suicide to pick a fight with her and I aint helping you."

I roll my eyes flip her off while alot of people chuckle.

I take a good luck at the school and my eyes widen in surprise. Damn this school is huge. It was wide as 2 football fields and looks to be 3 stories tall. There were giant stone wolves on either side of the steps leading up to the giant double doors. It reminded me of a midevil castle with the gargoyles and everything.

"This should be intresting."

*End of flashback*

We get into the school and part ways when he heads to class and I head to my locker.

"Hey Jay." My friend Cortney walks up and we pound fists. We met on my second day here. It turns out we have all of the same classes together. She is insanly beautiful with milk chocolate skin, light brown eyes, and a perfect body. She is about 5''11.

"Hey girl. Whats up?" I start to get my books out for my first class which is english with Mrs.Stevenson.

"I heard we got a new teacher for english because Mrs.Stevenson had some type of family emergency." We start walking towards english class and just like in the parking lot everybody is staring at us, well more specifically me, and whispering.

"Umhm....yeah girl.....oo no he didn't" are my standard response to when Cortney blabbers on and

on about this and that.

My mind is on other things. Like why the hell are these people still staring at me and wtf did that dude just growl?

Im so caught up in my thoughts that I almost run into the door to our english class.

"Jay girl are you alright? You have been really quite." Cortney exclaimed with worry in her voice.

"Im fine. Just tired of all these people staring and whispering about me and Jackson." I sighed.

"Do you know why Cort you've been here longer than me."

"Umm...." Before she could answer the bell rang signaling the beginning of class and the door opened.

In walked the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He is TALL like 6''7. He looked to be in his mid twenties. His hair was midnight black and hung to his shoulders. It was just fucked hair.

His skin was a deep tan and his jaw was strong and chiseled. His nose was slightly crooked like its been broken a number of times. He was wearing a skin tight dress shirt that was deep blue with a black tie and black slacks and a black brief case.

But his eyes. His eyes were the best part. They were the deepest blue like the color of his shirt. When I gazed into his mesmerizing eyes the world just stopped. It was like they were gazing into my soul. Like his eyes reached inside me and yanked out my deepest and darkest secrets. It was like they were looking right through me. And his next words made my heart stop.

"Hello students. My name is Mr.Green and I will be your new english teacher."

*Thanks for reading!!!!! Stay tuned for chap. 3 :) 

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