Chapter 4:Nobody Looks At My Mate

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*Conrade POV*

I sit on my chair and stew over this newest development. With a frustrated sigh, I look over the class again. Everybody is working hard except for one boy.


He's looking at Ja'nia.

My Ja'nia. Mine.

I recognize that look in his eye. Its the 'Im intrested' look. I would know. I've had it in my eye more times then I'm proud of.

O. Hell. No.

The bell rings startling us all and everybody begins to pack up and leave. I go stand by the door and bid everybody a good day.

I see Chad making his way toward Ja'nia while she is packing up her bag and talking with her friend.

"Hey Jay. Umm I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me this Friday." Chad says. I growl so loudly it startles Jay, Cortney, and Chad. Im glaring full on at Chad and he looks like he is about to piss himself.

Jay looks at me as if im crazy.

"Get to class," I say through gritted teeth. All 3 of them start towards the door but pause when they hear my next words.

"Ja'nia you stay."

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