Pillow Talk

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What the hell is knotting? Mr.Henry never talked about that.

"What's knotting," I ask. All of a sudden Conrade stops giving me hickeys and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Shit we have a lot to talk about..."

*Ja'nia POV*

Instead of a soft pillow under my cheek there was a hard chest moving as someone breathes. Shooting my eyes open I suddenly become aware of the position im in.

We on top of the covers, but it doesn't matter because this persons body is warm and surprisingly comfortable. Theres a tan masculine arm wrapped securely around my waist, with my leg wrapped around his. Shit. What happened last night?

Closing my eyes, the events of last night flood into my mind and I gasp softly. SHIT!!!!!

I had sex with Mr.Green. Omg. I had sex with my subsitute english teacher and im in his house, practically laying ontop of him. THOT ALERT.

"Fuck," I exclaim softly. Wait. I remember him saying something the first out of the 6 times we had sex last night. Something about knotting and us having to talk, which I totally agree with by the way, but then I got distracted by the way his pink, full lips moved when he talked and we proceeded to have sex 5 more times.

Damn, Conrade sure has a hell of a stamina. Im pretty sure I came 10 times to his 6.

Wait, I'm not suppose to be thinking like this about my teacher. He's my TEACHER for christsakes. Ugg I gotta get out of here.

Lifting my head off of his chest, I glance at his face to see him with his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted. Aww, he looks so cute when he's asleep. Instead of the scowl he has on everytime I've seen him, his face is smooth of all lines and he looks almost boyish.

Shaking my head to clear my mind of all thoughts of Mr.Green being cute and boyish, I reach down and grab hold of his forearm to lift it up so I can slip out, but freeze when he grunts and tightens his hold on me. Crap, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

After a few minutes his breathing goes deep and even and glancing up I see that his eyes are still closed so I try again. Grabbing his forearm again I lift and this time am successful, but I pause. My mind is ready to leave but my body isn't. I have to admit I feel really comfortable, but its time to go. This is Mr.Green, why am I feeling like this?

Willing my body to coroporate I slowly lift myself up and out from under his arm, then slowly lower it down on the bed. Victory! 

I crawl on all fours to the other side of the bed using my ninja skills, when a tan arm wraps around my waist tugging me back into a hard chest.

"And where do you think your going," he mumbles.

"To the bathroom?" I squeak.

"Wrong answer. You were trying to escape." He accuses.

"Pff...me escape...no...I would never." Lie.

"Umhmm." He turns me around on my back and props his head on his hand.

"You are so beautiful." I blush.

"Thank you" I mumble embarrassed looking anywhere but in at him.

"We need to talk Mr.Gr....I mean Conrade," I correct.

"Huh," he sighs "I was hoping you wouldn't say that."

"First of all you need to tell me everything. Somethings different about you I just don't know what yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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