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"Jimin-ah! Be careful!", Yoongi belted as Jimin ran away to the snow covered grass.

The blonde grabbed a handful of snow and threw it up in the air, some landing on his beanie and his clothes.

Hoseok and Yoongi followed the blonde while Mikey would jump on the hard snow piles.

"Hyung! Look i made a tiny snowman", Jimin called out as he ran to Yoongi.

"Aw it's cute like you Jimin-ah", Yoongi chuckled as he booped Jimin's nose with his finger.

"Jiminie can i talk to Hyung for a minute? Play with Mickey he wanted to see you", Hoseok cooed.

Jimin giggled and looked down at Mickey.

"Come on Mickey!", Jimin called out as the small dog ran beside him.

"Yoongi, are you two dating? Did he tell you already?", Hoseok asked eagerly.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"No we're not, but I've been thinking a lot about it", Yoongi answered.

Hoseok mentally cursed at himself, he might have exposed Jimin in a second.

"O-Oh well you should!", Hoseok chimed his ear tips turning red.

"What does he want to tell me?", Yoongi asked with a gummy smile.

"You'll find out later", Hoseok winked.

"Ah! Hoseok don't do this to me!", Yoongi whined.

"Sorry, can't expose Jimin", Hoseok teased.

"Aish you suck", Yoongi pouted before turning to look around.


"Munchies", Jimin muttered as he made his way to the kitchen once again.

He had fallen asleep from their trip back from the park. Hoseok had left an hour ago, and Yoongi wasn't anywhere to be seen.

He rubbed his eyes in a drowsy state and entered the kitchen.

He reached for the cabinet that held captive his munchies but stumbled, which scared him.

He huffed and got a chair to hello him instead.

"Jiminie back in the kitchen again?", Yoongi sighed, catching Jimin's actions.

"I want m-mun- cookies", Jimin muttered.

"What was that Jimin?", Yoongi asked.

"May i have some cookies, please?", Jimin asked louder this time.

"Oh sure Jimin", Yoongi answered before grabbing the jar of cookies.

"Thank you Daddy", Jimin answered as he grabbed the jar out of Yoongi's hands.

"Daddy?", Yoongi asked astonished.

"O-oh", Jimin gasped as he turned red in embarrassment.

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