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"I'm such a piece of trash", Jimin muttered, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Baby are you ok in there?", Yoongi spoke from the other side of the restroom door.

Jimin quickly dried his tears and spoke.

"I'm fine Daddy", Jimin answered as he stared back at his reflection.

"Do you need help in the bathtub?", Yoongi offered.

"N-No I'm good, thank you", Jimin quaked as he looked down at his thighs.

Bruises, scratches and scabs were clearly visible.
All done that moment or the days, weeks before.
It was February, he was back at his job and so was Yoongi.
Being a producer would drain Yoongi's energy, he had no time for Jimin or the other way around.

Both would be in their room working, Yoongi in his lonely crowded studio and Jimin at their room.

It was just a few months ago, five to be exact, when they would never leave each other's side, stay up late at night talking about life or even binge watching dramas.

It slipped by like a breeze.

"Jimin-ah i want to see you, Daddy has been working a lot lately", Yoongi sighed, "Daddy's sorry princess".

Jimin's tears streamed like a waterfall down his cheeks covering his mouth with his hand, preventing sobbing to be heard.

"Jiminie? If you're mad, i understand but please don't ignore Daddy", Yoongi continued.

Jimin slid down the door as he was now leaning on it and bit his lip trying his best not to be heard.

It all failed.

"Minie? Are you okay? Why are you crying?!", Yoongi panicked.

"I-I.. I-it's just tha-that-", Jimin sobbed uncontrollably.

Yoongi tried to open the door, but it was locked, his heart beating rapidly and fear struck him.


"Jimin is very sensitive emotionally", Taehyung explained.

Yoongi stared at the brunette in confusion.

"He's had some history with some people before, they were bad so he is really harsh on himself", Taehyung continued.

Yoongi frowned as Taehyung explained Jimin's sensitive emotions.

"Harsh on himself? How?", Yoongi asked as his breath would hitch.

"He was treated badly to the extent he would hurt himself or call himself names, that's why we try our best to not be distant from him", Taehyung answered.

"How come no one told me this?", Yoongi hissed.

"We thought he told you, but looks like he didn't, I understand why though", Taehyung sighed.

"What can I do then?", Yoongi asked, "He's been very distant".

"And you?", Taehyung snapped.

"W-well me too", Yoongi sighed.

"Exactly, just treat him well and give him lots of attention, he deserves that and more", Taehyung smiled.


"Jimin please open the door", Yoongi sighed.

"B-But you'll be upset, an-and i don't want you t-to worry", Jimin cried as he ran his hands over his bruised and scratched thighs.

"Daddy would never be upset at Jiminie, and if i don't see you I worry more", Yoongi reassured.

Jimin stood up and unlocked the door, before quickly sitting on the lid of the toilet seat.
His back facing the door and his sobbing increasing more as Yoongi's footsteps came closer.

"Baby what's wrong? I'm sorry for not paying attention to you", Yoongi apologized setting his hands on Jimin's shoulders.

Jimin cried even more as he felt Yoongi's hands stiffen against his shoulders.

"J-Jimin what happened?", Yoongi questioned as he walked in front of the blonde before kneeling in front of him.

His hands slowly and carefully running across his bruised thighs.

"I-I'm sorry Daddy, Minie didn't mean to", Jimin stuttered.

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