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"A-ah Holly wait!", Jimin belted as he ran after the brown poodle.

Yoongi chased after them as well since he was busy getting themselves a snack.
Min Holly didn't seem to stop, Jimin in desperation threw himself and caught the canine earning quick licks all over his face.

"How did this child escape", Yoongi panted as he sat on the grass besides Jimin.

"Well i was playing tag with him around the playground but he started chasing a squirrel instead", Jimin whimpered.

Yoongi noticed that tears were falling down Jimin's cheeks and smiled softly.

"Why are you crying, Jimin?", Yoongi questioned concerned.

"I scraped my knees when i threw myself", Jimin sighed as he quickly dried his tears, trying to look strong.

Yoongi scoot closer and saw Jimin's jeans ripped from the knees with blood staining the fabric. Jimin hissed as Yoongi bearly even touched the wounds.

"Let's go home, besides we had to leave anyway", Yoongi reassured before standing up.
He pulled out a hand for Jimin to grab hold of and the blonde quickly did so, only to have a stinging pain shooting through his wounds.

"Are you ok? Can you walk?", Yoongi as as he watched as Jimin limped behind him.

"Y-Yes I'm fine just lead the way", Jimin choked out as he winced at the pain shooting from his knees.

After what felt like an eternity to Jimin they reached Yoongi's car from the packed parking lot.

"We're going to get that cleaned up and we'll have dinner, but please don't feed Holly vegetables i already found out", Yoongi chuckled.

Jimin huffed pouting slightly as he buckled up in the passenger seat. Yoongi laughed softly at Jimin's reaction and started the engine before driving out of the parking lot.

"I don't like them Yoongi-hyung", Jimin pouted as he leaned on the door looking out the car window.

Yoongi glanced at Jimin with a smile before looking back on the road.

"Yoongi-hyung where's Holly?", Jimin asked once he looked back at the seats.

Yoongi's eyes widened before making a quick turn.

"We left him tied at the post", Yoongi panicked.

Jimin bursted out laughing as Yoongi's face turned red in embarrassment.

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