So, I waited at the room that I suppose to meet Mrs. Kim with Baekhyun by my side. "So, do you know Mrs. Kim?", I asked him. He looks shock maybe because I don't know such a great people. "You don't know her? She own LY cloth branding.", his answer made me shock. Don't tell me she is the one? Then, a woman came in and she greeted us. She just realised my existence there and left her shock too. "Good Evening, Mrs. Kim. You have been very busy right? I'm Kwon Irene.", I let out my hand for a handshake with a fake smile. She accepted my handshake awkwardly. "Mr. Byun, can you leave us alone?", she ask him to go outside and he did obey. "Jaljinaesseo, Hyosub?", I ignore her question because the important thing I have to do is the contract. "So, you have to sign here Mrs. Kim.", I wanted to be straightforward. "Why are you like this? You changed very much.", she asks me and I showed her a fake smile. "Mrs. Kim, I have so many important things to do. So, can we just finish this ASAP?", she holded my hand tightly all of sudden. "Comeback to our house. I will persuade your father, okay?", I pull my hand out of hers. I stood up and pick my bag ready to leave. "I just wanted to give you the document. So, if you have signed it just call us.", then she said to me that made me stop from walking. "I miss you so much and you treat me like this. What I can do to make you comeback to our house, my daughter?". "Please stop pretending like you care or miss or love me. You're always too busy with your business same goes to your husband. I didn't receive love when I was a child and I don't need it now either. You don't have to do anything because I will never go back to that house again. Never! Owh! One more thing if you forget. I was disowned by my parents so I am Kwon Irene or Kwon Hyosub to be specific now. If you want to be the sponsor just because of me, forget it! I don't need your sympathise.", I got out of the room. Baekhyun called my name but I don't care anymore. I walked out from the building but Baekhyun stoped me. "What happened? Are you okay?", he hold my shoulder with his both hand. I looked down because my tears can't help to just fall down my cheeks. He looked at me for the second then he put me in his arms. I let out all my tears on his shoulder. I forgot that we are in public. He patted my back and ask me to just cry as much as I want.

Baekhyun's pov

We were at the park to meet Sejun because he is the only way to make Irene happy. Now, we sat on the bench like we sat last month. "Thank you for lending me your shoulder just now.", she wipes her nose with some tissue. "It's okay but can you tell me what happened?", I try to understand the situation for our future. "Mrs. Kim is my mother. My biological mother.", that was one shocking statement from her. "She's always busy with business so I stayed with Saera eonni most of the time. Kwon family treated me better or I should say, Best? When I arrived Korea for this practical session, Mr. Kim asked me to marry his friend's son but I refuse. So, he said that I'm rude and he disowned me. Now, I'm Kwon Irene not Kim anymore. Do you want to know who the man that I was supposed to marry?", she ended her story with a question that made me curious. "Park Chanyeol.", her answer made my jaw hang because I couldn't don't believe it! She nod and let out a small chuckle. I felt relieve at the same time because she refused . Chanyeol's parents is rich but he want to become an idol. So, he become independent and achieved his dreams. "I think you're really brave and independent. I'm proud of you.", I pat her head then she put her head on my shoulder. Why is she always making my heart flutter?! My heart beats faster than normal. "Eomma, Appa!", Sejun ran to us and hug me first and I lift him up. Mrs. Kwon hug Hyosub tightly like a mom who misses her own child. I can feel their love to each other. "Appa, I want to eat ice cream.", Sejun whispered to my ear and we decided to take Sejun to an ice cream shop.

Irene's pov

I don't know why but I was comfortable around him. The things about him makes me comfortable. His smile, his laugh, everything. He doesn't care if he gets caught in public made me feel so special. When we were at the ice cream shop, the customer and the cashier looked at us in a weird way but their comments toward us were unpredictable. "Omg! Baekhyun really is a husband material.", "Who is that boy? He looks like Baekhyun! He's really cute.", "The girl next to him is so pretty. They look like a happy family.". Exo-L looks so matured now. They complimented us. Baekhyun took a selca of us three eating ice cream together and it turned out well. "Eomma, do you live with Appa?", I nod and my hands were busy feeding him with ice cream. "Wae?", I ask him because he ask the question suddenly. "I felt glad because if you two are together, I can meet you two at the same time. My friends wanted to see my parents before but I can't show them. Now, I can feel free show them.", I felt my tears burst and falling down my cheeks. I took some tissues and wipe it immediately. Sejun fate was just like me when I was kid. I can just show Saera eonni to my friend despite my parent's busy schedule. "Don't worry, Appa and Eomma will always be by your side. If your friends wants to meet us, just call us okay, Sejunie?", Sejun nod with Baekhyun's words. Baekhyun was so nice and kind because he treated Sejun like his own child but I felt like I was a burden to him. For now, I just want to focus on my work and Sejun's happiness.

2 days later

I was so busy with the shooting because almost 10 crews were taken for a new show. So, I have to rush myself and keep on running in this bungalow. I have to wait at the gate for the new furniture. Walkie Talkie in my hand helping me with my work. We just have to press the button if there was unsettle work. A car gets arrived at the bungalow but I couldn't see who it was because the mirror was tinted. "Irene, we're running short on make up artists. Can you become one?.", the sound of my walkie talkie startled me a bit. "Oh, yeah. Sure. How about the furniture?", "They will get into the bungalow by their own. Hurry up.", I ran into the bungalow but then , I bumped into someone and immediately say sorry and bow before I continue my run. I rush to the make up room and the person who still hasn't have their make up on is Baekhyun. Aish! This boy is getting on my nerve. I walked to him and I immediately put make up on him. I saw him staring at me but I ignore him because I was in rush. He looks so handsome even when he has no make up on. "Done!", he pinched my cheeks before he leave. Don't do this again Baek or I will end up fall in love with you.

Someone's pov

So, I arrived in Korea this morning and I decided to meet the member. I missed them so much. I have too many work in China because I just released an album there. When I arrived there were hardly any fans because they don't know about me coming to Korea. The driver drived me to Exo's bungalow. At the gate of the bungalow I saw someone really familiar. Someone that I missed so much but maybe that was me being delusional. The girl looked at me but I don't think he saw me because the mirror was tinted. "Lay, we arrived.", said the driver which was my manager. I got out from the car and I saw the crew was busy with their work. I don't want to be a burden so I sneakily snuck in. Then, someone bumped my left shoulder. She said sorry and bow to me. Her voice look so much like Ai Lin. I think I need to find your identity Miss and I hope you are my Ai Lin. I miss you so much Ai Lin.

Author: R.I.P Kim JongHyun... I hope you can get your happiness after this. Thank you for your effort... You will always be in our heart. 😢

Will update after 3k surpass...

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