Chapter Two

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I'm sorry this is so trashy xxx I haven't even proof read this I've just written until I couldn't write any more. Tbh it doesn't even have a proper storyline it's just basically the Heartbreaking Encounters of Zosia and Memory Loss Man. 👍🏼 but anyway enjoy (at least, I hope you do because I've already started another chapter lmaoooo) xxxxxx

Zosia isn't expecting to be greeted when she arrives back in the UK. She moved to the States alone and she's managed alone for months, so a journey to Holby City Hospital from the airport hardly seems like a challenge.

Except... It is.

She's been worrying about Ollie all night, and now she's exhausted because she didn't get any sleep. It wouldn't matter so much if it weren't for the fact that she's stumbling like mad because the airport is so busy and to top it all off her head is banging because she hasn't had a coffee and she really, really needs one.

So when she reaches the exit and turns the corner, she's shocked, but also completely delighted to see Dominic and Morven waiting for her by Dom's car. There's someone else with them, too, and it takes her the longest time to realise where she recognises the face from.

It's Frieda, Ollie and Penny's old friend. She remembers the day they spent treating her for TB, and then takes the time to wonder why she's there, at the airport, to greet her. It's not as if they're friends. They've barely even spoken. And the last Zosia heard, Frieda was working at St Frances'. It didn't make sense for her to be back, although Zosia supposes she might be back for Ollie and Jac, after everything that's happened.

'Dom. Morven. Hey.' Zosia says as she approaches the three of them, unable to force out much more than that. She wants to scream and cry and break down, but she knows that she has to keep it together. They're clearly struggling with it all too. Morven doesn't look like she's slept for days, Dominic keeps nervously looking around like he's being followed. Frieda is the only one that looks calm. She's in a grey faux fur coat, with a matching hat, and looks far more collected than the rest.

Zosia finds herself in Dominic's arms a couple of moments later. He holds her tight, knowing that she feels just as broken as him, though most likely it's so much worse.

'I'm so glad you're home.' He tells her, still clinging on.

'Me, too. I've missed you so much.' She admits, also reluctant for the hug to end.

'You're probably coming back to war zone, though.'


'Because practically half the hospital has been diagnosed with PTSD, it's first line of defence- aka, Jac Naylor- is still recovering from her gunshot wound, and since there's no one else to operate, Hanssen's had to call in Frieda. So yeah, tensions are high.'

'Jesus. If I'd of known, I'd of brought my riot shield.'

After Dominic steps back, Frieda reaches out for Zosia, taking her hands in her own before Morven can even so much as pull her in for a hug.

'You look like death. Let's get you inside, warm you up, and then we can talk.' Frieda suggests, holding onto Zosia and opening the door of the car to help her in. Frieda's right. It's absolutely freezing, so Zosia doesn't even fight back.

The heating is already on blast within several minutes of driving, so it doesn't take long to warm up. Dominic is driving, with Frieda in the passenger seat, and Morven beside Zosia in the back. At some point, Morven had taken ahold of Zosia's hand as a form of comfort, but no one was actually talking, which made the atmosphere unbearably tense. Eventually, though, Zosia decides to speak up.

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