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The ride to Google's Headquarters caused her heart to race. It wasn't as if the driver was going slow or was taking a longer route - it was the anticipation of it all. What was Sundar wanting to say to her? What was so urgent that she had to go now?

Also, where had Googleplier ran off to? (Y/n) thought of several places that he could be, but unless he was at Google upon request, there was no reason for him to be out of the house without her knowledge. She thought about the possibility of him still being in the apartment, but he would always come if she had called for him before. Something about it just didn't feel right to her, and it put an unsettling feeling in her stomach.

She pushed the sensation aside as she caught the Google sign outside of her workplace. As soon as the taxi pulled up to the front of the modern building, she handed over some cash to him and hopped out, careful to not hurt her foot as she hobbled out of the car. She had forgotten her crutch in the moment that she had left, and was definitely beginning to regret it as her foot began to throb in pain.

She ignored the feeling as best as possible as she took out her key card from her purse and swiped it into the slot outside of the door. Google had an small security feature, so that way no one in the building could get in without having permission first. She waited a few moments before she heard the door unlatch and she quickly rushed in.

She ignored the rehearsed greeting of the receptionist and simply asked where Sundar Pichai was.

"He's on the fifth floor, room 5-A. Please be cautious and knock first." She added, causing (Y/n)'s brows to furrow.

"... Okay. Thank you."

"Would you like to borrow a set of crutches from the medical assistance room in the back?" The girl asked, a sympathetic smile playing at her lips. (Y/n) smiled back at her.

"That would be wonderful."


With her new crutches under her arms, (Y/n) led herself over to the elevator and pressed the '5' button. She hummed as she waited for the contraption to land on her preferred floor in attempts to ignore the red flags going off in her head. Sooner than she thought, the elevator stopped moving and the doors to it slid open.

She wasted relatively no time in going to the room that the receptionist had designated, which (Y/n) had never been to before. Actually, the employees that worked at the office were told that the fifth floor was under construction and that there would be consequences if anyone had ever went there.

(Y/n) was confused by the receptionist's request, but since it seemed as if Sundar had asked her personally to go up to the fifth floor, she figured that he might want to show her the finished product of the floor. Maybe she'd even get another office that was bigger, or a new area to work.

She seemed to walk forever until she spotted a wooden door with a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on it's front. She felt alarmed by this, but she presumed that was just being a little too quick to judge. Even so, her hand shook as she lifted it up and lightly knocked on the door.

For a few moments, everything was silent. She nervously tapped her foot against the ground, hoping that the secretary hadn't pulled a prank on her or something. To her relief, the door opened moments later to reveal a smiling Sundar.

"Ah, (Y/n). I'm glad to see that you got here so early."

"It wasn't as if I had anything better to do, Mr. Pichai. You seemed upset when you called me. Is there something wrong?"

Unlike what she wanted Sundar to think, (Y/n) was inwardly panicking at what might be behind the door that he was on the other side of. A thought had hit her that threatened to drain the color from her face as she studied the multimillionaire.

Malfunction (A Googleplier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now