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The engineer gawked at the size of the airport, absolutely in awe over its gigantic proportions. She could only wish to be involved in something as important and costly as something like this. Sure, she had her A.I.'s, but nothing could ever beat man-made structures. After all, they're the ones that last a lifetime - The Leaning Tower of Piza, the Colosseum - they were magnificent advancements in architecture.

"We must get going."

Googleplier quickly grabbed her bags out of the taxi, seeing how she was too busy being distracted to notice that she had almost left them behind.

(Y/n) turned back to look at him, a scowl on her face.

"You have no patience, Google. Why don't you just enjoy some things in life?"

"My programming does not allow 'enjoyment'."

"But it does permit patience, doesn't it?" She asked him, a smirk resting on her lips. He huffed out in agitation, refusing to answer her observation as he brushed past her. She chuckled.

"That's what I thought."


The number of people crowding around the food court was too intensely packed for (Y/n) to understand. She let out a sigh, feeling her stomach rumble in protest to her admitted defeat.

"Are you famished?"

She turned towards Google, a flustered glare on her countenance.

"... No. I'm fine." She grumbled, reluctantly walking past Google and hopefully away from the food stops altogether. Airplane food was simply dreaded, and she knew that it would never hold her over during the twelve-hour flight.

Googleplier put his hand on her shoulder, causing her movements to abruptly stop.

"Which location do you desire to eat at?"

She turned towards him, a skeptical look on her face as she surveyed his blank stare, Seeing that his grip on her wasn't going to falter until she spoke, she replied.

"Well, that sandwich shop sounds really good as of right now."

A small screen appeared as a holographic image in front of Googleplier, and the Google Chrome tab that was pulled up on his screen seemed to be the menu for the place she wanted to eat at.

"Choose which meal you think would taste the best."

"How are you going to get past all of those people?"

"Do not worry about that factor. I will take care of it."

She scrunched her nose up and furrowed her eyebrows at his comment, but he made no move to explain his methods. Admitting defeat, she down scrolled on the screen until she found a nice looking sandwich. (Y/n) clicked on it, hearing Googleplier's gears turn with the new information he received.

"Stay here. I will be back with your meal."

He turned towards the sandwich shop, a man on a mission.

"Wait! How are you supposed to pay?" She yelled, earning no recognition from the robot.

He was about twenty people from the front of the line, but he made no move of hesitation as he shoved those in line out of the way. (Y/n) watched him make his way through the crowd, a concerned look on her face.

'He can't just do that! What does he think he's doing?'

Regretting the fact that she let him make this decision on his own, she trailed after him. her feet stomping angrily on the floor.

'He may be an A.I., but he needs to learn some manners.'

She walked next to the line, making sure to let everyone in the line know that she wasn't going to cut them like Googleplier just had. Speaking of the bot, she saw that he made his way to the front of the line and was now giving the cashier your card.

'How did he?-'

She pulled out her wallet, searching through it to see if her card was still there. Surprisingly, she found it exactly where it was supposed to be. She looked back up to watch Googleplier, who was now in an exchange with the cashier.

The man gave him the sandwich you had asked for and a bottle of water, a forced smile decorating his tired face. Seeing that he now had the items he wished to get, Googleplier was now making his way back over to (Y/n), ignoring the glares of the customers that he had previously cut.

He handed the food over to her, an open mouth gawking at his actions.

"Here is your food."

"H-How did you get-"

"The credit card you have on your Amazon account was simply generated by the 3D printer hidden inside of my core. It was not difficult to recreate it.

She was continually left speechless at the explanation, even as he picked up her bags once more to continue to walk.

'So he can use my cards without my knowledge? I really need to fix his rules and regulations.'

"We have approximately forty-two minutes until the plane begins to board. Would you like to look around or sit in the waiting area?"

"Since when did you start being considerate?" She asked, opening up the wrapping on her sandwich, "Thanks for the food, by the way."

He nodded at her thanks, refusing to say anything in response to the particular comment. However, he did answer the first inquiry she seemed to mention.

"As your personal Artificial Intelligence, I must put your health above all others."

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"When did you become my personal A.I.?"

"Google Corporation sent an update to my file and forcefully made me install it. I presume that it was their way of ensuring that you were safer around me, rather than have more potential of being harmed."

She hummed in response, thinking back to the files that Sundar sent her. It would have been nice to have that added into the report, but they may have done it last minute. She didn't think about it too much.

"Regardless, I would have made your health my priority. The update had no effect on my previous objectives." He explained, a menacing glint flashing through his eyes that you weren't able to notice.

"Yeah, you seem very careful with me." She lifted up her hand, showing the discoloration of her healed burn marks. At this point, they had healed, but they would forever be marked. He let out a sigh.

"It was foolish of me to allow you to perform something so dangerous. You have my apologies in that regard, (Y/n)."

"Thanks. My burnt hand appreciates it," She mocked, shoving her obviously injured hand into his face. He exhaled dramatically, continuing to walk towards the waiting area.

"Wait! Don't forget that we still have to go through customs!"

Googleplier's face dropped as recalled that fact.

"How wonderful."


Wonder why Google performed that update... Seems like something is starting to smell fishy to me.

Thank you guys so much for the love on this story, and I am so excited to get to the good parts! I'm going to try to make the trip to China as long as a possibly can, but I don't even know if I can remember everything that I want to happen... Got so many things running around in this brain of mine haha. And be sure to comment and tell me what you think!

I hope you truly enjoyed, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts. :)

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