As much as she thought that Googleplier was a technological breakthrough, she couldn't help but think that he was before his time. The laws of robotics were still vague, and personally, she didn't know if she could ever trust the scientists that wished to create such powerful beings.

Maybe scraping him wouldn't be as bad as she initially thought. If Sundar gave her choice of her job or Googleplier, the choice was obvious. On the other hand, Google IRL was still an incredible asset to the company, and her selfishness could cost the company. She felt so many situations flow through her thoughts, and her head began to spin.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Can you hear me?"

Sundar's voice brought the engineer back onto the ground, and she let herself breathe in and out for a moment before replying.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry, my phone was cutting out for a second there." She lied, gritting her teeth, "What did you call me for, sir?"

"I heard what happened to you - I was calling to see if you were alright. I can't tell you how much I regret sending you over to China, and I can't believe that Googleplier had a malfunction like that.."

(Y/n) furrowed her brow at his comment.

"Wait, malfunction? No, he did everything that he was supposed to do." She explained, earning an agitated huff from the other side of the phone.

"Who installed his new chips?"

"Ah, I - I'm not sure." She fibbed once again, clearly remembering in her mind that Mei had put the data together.

"I'm sorry - I shouldn't be asking you such questions. Especially while you're recovering."

"Don't worry about it, sir." She assured, still wary of Sundar's new behavior, "There wasn't anything that you could have done."

"That's good to hear, (Y/n)... But there's still another reason as to why I called you."

His words hesitantly escaped his lips, causing (Y/n) to frown. Why was he beginning to act in such a weird way?

".. Okay? Then why have you called me?"

"I... I need to show you something. Do you think that you could stop by today?"

"There's nothing else for me to do," She replied. Though, inwardly, she was chanting 'sleep' over and over again in her exhausted mind. She ignored the impulse and focused in on the conversation that she and Sundar seemed to be having.

"Wonderful... Please stop by anytime today. I hope to see you soon, Ms. (Y/n)."

"You too..." She trailed off, hanging up before she could even attempt to listen to a repeated goodbye.

Sundar seemed to be shaken in some way, and his behavior was a little more sporadic than usual. Although these thoughts plagued her mind, she decided to ask the questions once she got there instead of stressing her mind out about the whole situation.

She took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled, preparing herself for the many possibilities of what he had in store for her.

'I just hope that the thing he wants to show me isn't a pink slip.'

(Y/n) jumped out of bed, turned on the room light, and quickly grabbed whatever work-appropriate attire she could find and threw them one. She also applied just a bit of makeup and brushed her hair in attempts to seem as if she didn't just get thrown around by a powerful, man-killing machine.

(Y/n) grimaced as she studied her features in the mirror, disgusted by the markings on her face and neck. She tried her best to cover up the bruises, but they were too obvious. She would have changed her clothes, but since she technically wasn't working and everyone had already known what had happened, there was no point in trying to hide it.

She sighed, running a hair through her hair. Everything was out of her control now - she definitely needed to make an appointment with Matthias. She was due for some relaxation.

She laughed at the image of her and Matthias getting manicures and hair done while he shrieked from the ticklishness on his hands. She could just imagine his girly attitude, and how he would make fun of her for wanting to be pampered. (Y/n) had missed him while she was gone, and it wasn't until she noticed that she was home that she truly came to that conclusion.

"Google, I'm going out." She announced, walking out of her room with expectations to see an irritated robot. But surprisingly, not only was he not there to answer her, but all of the lights were off in the apartment. She spun around for a moment before going to get her purse from her luggage.


Still, no answer. She didn't know how Google's condition was when they got back, so she had just assumed that he was powering down. So, without a second thought, she exited the apartment, making sure to lock it before calling a cab.

On her way to the vehicle patiently waiting for her, she dialed Matthias's number and held the phone up to her ear.




The call didn't go through. And as you heard, it seemed that the line itself was cut off. (Y/n) stopped walking for a moment, focusing on the fact that Matthias had seemingly hung up on her.

'Why would he do that?'

The sound of the taxi on the ground floor honking caught her attention, which caused her to come out of her thoughts. She held up her hand to the driver, hoping that they would still wait for her. On her way down to the first floor, she felt confused. Why would Matthias hang up on her? Was he doing something important?

She called again, this time getting through to his voicemail.

"This is your man, Matthias! If you're looking to give me a call, isn't it obvious that I'm busy right now? Leave your name and number, and I'll get back to you ASAP. Thanks!"

The other line beeped, which let her know that it was her turn to speak.

"Ah, hey. This is (Y/n). I just got back from China, and you would not believe the trouble that I've gotten myself into... I could really use a friend right about now. I've missed you. Call me when you get the chance."

She hung up her phone, quickly making her way towards the taxi parked in front of the complex.


This story is actually coming to a close! Don't worry, it's not like the next chapter or anything - but the chapters are remaining in the single digits... I'm guessing about four more chapters give or take. So stick around for them!

There's a reason why Matthias didn't answer the phone.

That's all I'll give you! Conspire all you'd like, but you will get no answer out of me until my updates! Mwahaha.

And thank you sooooo so much for the love that I've seen being poured into Past Lives! If you haven't read it yet, please do! It's a Who Killed Markiplier fanfic, and it's the first from my mind! I'll list the link again if you didn't catch it on the top of the chapter:

I love you so very much.


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