Ming's heart dropped.

"I don't know how many times because Kit will never say, but it was definitely enough to convince him that continuing his relationship with you would destroy your world. Yesterday, your mother came to our house and voiced her concerns to our mother as well. Luckily, there wasn't anyone in the house except for Mom and me, but it's not going to be long until your mother spills out the truth to our entire family."

Kieng's eyes softened when they read the utter despair on Ming's face.

"Despite what Kit thinks, this isn't something that he can handle by himself," Kieng said in a gentle but firm voice. "And he shouldn't. You need to know too because this is your decision as well. Ming, I want you to think about it. I want you to be completely sure before you decide to keep pursuing this. And if you're going to end everything with Kit, I'd rather you break my brother's heart now than later."

Although he tried his best to listen to Kieng's voice and process his words, Ming couldn't hear anything at that moment. Because his brain was too busy dealing with the wreckage of his heart. Ming closed his eyes shut.


He didn't know how many minutes had passed as he aimlessly sat there in his car, attempting to recover from what had just been slammed into his heart. It didn't work. Ming felt forever suffocated as a chaotic jumble of dark emotions kept stomping on every little piece of his shattered heart.

The betrayal.

Because Ming had never thought that his mother would turn against him. Especially behind his back. He had known perfectly well that his father would most likely never give his support, but Ming had always believed that his mother would be on his side.

Back in his high school days, when she suspected that her son's best friend might be gay, his mother had been very open-minded about it.

"There's nothing wrong with that," she had commented in a calm voice.

Ming had felt relieved inside, even though he continued to refute her suspicions. He didn't want to risk creating any bad reputation for his friend. "What would you do if that happens to me?" He had randomly asked in order to switch her focus.

"Well it's difficult to imagine given your history of women," she had joked. "Right now, anyone who could make you stop passing through girl after girl and finally settle down for once would win me over."

Ming had laughed with her, as he tried to ignore a particular smiling face with dimples that kept popping up in his thoughts endlessly during that time of his life.

The self-loathing.

Because Kit had probably tried to tell him in his own careful way. To a Ming who was always so f*cking clueless as ever.

"Ming, tell me about your parents," Kit had asked him one day, smiling when Ming had given him a curious look at the abrupt question. "You've met my family but I've never had the opportunity to meet yours."

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