Chapter 8

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Ming looked at himself in the mirror one more time and gave himself a wink. Perfect! Or, at least, as perfect as was possible at the moment. Although he appeared rather exhausted from a week of endless exams and consequent sleep deprivation, he still looked as handsome as ever. And he needed to look as flawless as possible because he was currently on his way to see Kit. His Kit who he missed so freaking much.

Exam period was definitely Ming's least favorite part of the year because on top of all the stressful studying, Kit made it absolutely clear that they should both completely focus on their exams. Which, therefore, meant that they should avoid meeting each other.

"But Kit," he whined, "I can't focus on studying if I miss you too much."

Kit just rolled his eyes, like he always did when Ming acted dramatically (even though Ming swore that he was only speaking the plain truth).

"Ming, I'm going to miss you too. But we can go on a date as soon as exams are over, okay?" Kit eventually consoled him while lightly pecking his lips.

Ming couldn't keep protesting at that because he became an obedient puppy whenever Kit expressly showed his affection to him. So, poor Ming had to patiently wait and withstand his severe longing for Kit. He anxiously counted down the days until his exams were over and he could go on that promised date with Kit. Which was FINALLY today!!!

Ming hummed while he fixed his hair for the last time, and he picked up his keys from the bedside table. He dangled the attached KitKat key chain in front of his eyes, like he routinely did whenever he missed Kit. But this time, I finally get to see my real KitKat, Ming whispered to himself.

Just when he was about to head out, the doorbell rung loudly, startling him a little bit. Confused as to who it might be at this hour, Ming opened the door. And he immediately brightened up when he saw who was in front of him.

"Kit!!! I was just on my way to go pick you up," Ming exclaimed happily as he reached out to hug his beloved Kit.

"No need. We're staying in tonight," Kit responded as he started to push Ming back inside the apartment.

Huh?!?! Ming blinked a couple of times, with confusion clearly written on his face. "I thought we were going on a date?"

Not that he was complaining too much. Because as long as he had his Kit by his side, Ming really didn't care about what they did. But it had been a while since he went on a full-course date with Kit and he was honestly looking forward to it. Kit, who was now frowning, reached out his hand and promptly checked the temperature on Ming's forehead. Just like I thought, Kit muttered under his breath.

"You need some rest," Kit announced. "Your voice sounds raspy and your face feels warm. You're getting sick."

Kit continued to shove a speechless Ming gently into the room and seated him on the couch. Leaving a still confused Ming there, Kit walked over to the kitchen to put down the grocery bags that he carried inside. He proceeded to take out several items, including bags of medicine, several jars of vitamins and supplements, to-go boxes of food, and various grocery items.

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