Chapter 6

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This was super embarrassing. And incredibly nerve-wrecking. Kit really was not the affectionate type. In his defense, he seriously had an allergic reaction every time he attempted to show some form of affection. He wasn't even doing anything at the moment, but the mere thought of doing what he had planned to do all week made his face all flush up and caused goosebumps to crawl all over his body. Maybe he should just forget it. Heck, he had warned Ming before they started dating that he was a grumpy and hot-tempered person who definitely was not going to be very affectionate in their relationship. So Ming was totally aware of his faulty personality traits and he probably wasn't expecting much from him anyways, Kit selfishly thought.

"Kit, is there something wrong?" Ming asked Kit with concern.

Lost in his panicky thoughts, Kit had been quiet and unresponsive for the past several minutes, which was causing Ming to worry. Perhaps his Kit was feeling sick? Ming instantly reached out his hand and checked the temperature on Kit's forehead. It felt quite warm to his touch, which meant that his Kit was running a fever! And he was such an insensitive jerk for just noticing that now!!! Unaware that Kit's face was just burning up due to pure embarrassment, Ming started to fuss about how they should immediately go to the hospital and see a doctor. Kit sighed and gently moved Ming's hands away from his face.

"No, Ming, I'm not sick. I just...I need to..."

Great, now he was stuttering like crazy! Kit really wanted to burst out of the car that the two were currently sitting in and run away from this whole situation. But when he looked into the eyes of his concerned boyfriend, he forced himself to stay put. Come on Kit. Suck it up! You're making such a big deal out of nothing!!! Kit took a deep breath.

"Ming, close your eyes."


"Just close your eyes for a minute, until I tell you to open them again."

Ming looked confused at Kit's sudden order, but at Kit's insistence, he obediently closed his eyes without a question. Well, here it goes. After making sure that Ming couldn't see anything, Kit quickly opened his bag and proceeded with his "plan."

"Okay, you can open them now," Kit finally said.

Ming slowly opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times to focus his vision. Kit was dangling something right in front of Ming's face, something that looked like his car keys and a KitKat chocolate bar? Ming peered at it again, reaching out to hold the keys in his hands so that he could closely inspect it. He was right. There was a key chain of a KitKat replica attached to his car keys. Kit, who was trying to avoid eye contact, hastily placed a heart-shaped box of chocolates that he was holding onto Ming's lap. Almost there. Kit gathered up all of his courage to complete the final step in his plan.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Kit whispered softly as he leaned in to plant a tender kiss on Ming's lips.

Today was their first Valentine's Day after they had gotten into a relationship. And Kit wanted to do something special for Ming, even if it meant that he had to get out of his comfort zone. He wanted to show Ming how much he thought of him and loved him, the same way that Ming had always showed him everyday during their time together.

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