*Nine: Mates? Us? NO*

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"Ben!" I yelled and ran over to him. I just barely caught him before he fell. "I really should have tried harder to convince someone to come with me" I mumbled.

I lifted Ben a little and began to drag him across the soft dirt and fallen leaves. "I'm sorry...Oh sorry...shot, sorry" I mumbled every time he hit something.

I suddenly tripped and fell backward, landing hard on a rock. I groaned out and then Ben did too. "Oh my god, Ben? Are you awake? Are you okay?" I tried to get up but a sharp, stinging pain ran up my back. 


"No, it's Aury, Aurora," I said and continued to lie on the ground. 

"Aurora, why are we in the middle of the forest? On the ground?"

"Because you stormed out of the house and I was worried so I went to see if you were okay, everyone else said you probably needed a minute to cool off but I didn't listen and then I found you and you passed out and I began to drag you back to the house, but then I tripped and I think I have a sharp rock digging into my back and I can't get up."

He sat up and looked over at me. He got up and slightly lifted my back making me wince and looked underneath me. "Oh yeah that's not looking so good" He placed his hands under me and lifted me up bridal style. I winced again, making Ben move slower. He stood there for a minute and we just looked at each other. "You have really pretty eyes" 

"My eyes are weird," I said and scrunched my nose a little in disagreement. My eyes are blue like my mom's but they have these sparks of red, like flames. "they make me look evil"

"Eh, from what I've heard, you're a little evil" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes. He finally started to walk, making sure not to move me too much. It didn't take that much time to reach the clearing and then the pack hospital. 

"Lie her right here. I'm Dr. Jones. May I ask what happened?" I told the doctor once I was lying on my side. 

"Alright, well it wasn't only a rock you landed on. I'm not entirely sure what else it is that's in your back, I'm going to have to do a surgery to get it out and make sure your spine is okay. I'm going to need a signature on the consent forms from your parents" the doctor told me then left the room. 

"Ben, can you stay with me?" I asked softly and he nodded. We didn't say anything for a few minutes, my mind was too wrapped around what could happen. What pulled me back to reality was Ben grabbing my hand and gently squeezing it. 

"You're going to be okay" he gave me a smile and I returned it. Being in his presence made me feel warm and calm, and pretty happy too. I don't know why. We just stared into each other's eyes, unable to look away really. He had the same eyes as Delilah, green with golden specks in them. I felt myself lean in towards him and saw he was too, but the door opened before anything happened and my mom rushed to me. 

"Aurora!" I saw tears in her eyes as she approached my side. "What happened?" she slightly glared at Ben and my hands held together. 

"I fell on something, Dr. Jones said that she might have to take me to the O.R. to get everything out" she nodded, tears still brimming her eyes. "But I'm okay, it just hurts a little. It's kind of stupid really" I quickly glanced at my hand to see Ben was still holding it.

"Do you need anything?" she asked and I shook my head no. "Are you two mates?" Ben and I quickly released each other's hands once that left her mouth. 

"Mom" I groaned 

"I'm sorry, I just know- you. And how you are. I'm sorry, had to ask"

"I'm too young to find my mate, Ben was just there with me when I fell and he helped me here" I explained and she nodded in understanding and thanked Ben. Soon enough they both left to go do something really quick and I couldn't help but think about if Ben and I were actually mates. 

I mean we did have that little moment in the woods and right before Mom came running in. But maybe it was just because I was just thankful to have him there for me? Wow even I know that sounds dumb. Wait a second do I even want him to be my mate? He's sweet, a little too stubborn, a good leader, he listens to me, and he's also pretty good looking. I'm probably just getting a crush on him since I'm about to turn eighteen and I'm being hopeful that I actually find my mate.

Dr. Jones came back in with my parents and explained the whole operation to us. My parents signed the forms they needed to and an hour later I went in for surgery. "Nervous?" Dr. Jones asked as I lied on my stomach

"A little, I thought I'd never have to go into surgery, being a werewolf and all"

"We'll take good care of you. Now can you count backward from ten?" she asked as someone placed a mask on my face. 

"Ten. Nine.. Eight...Seven..." then everything went black. 


"You like her don't you!" I heard a familiar girl yell and giggle. I tried to open my eyes or make any sound but I couldn't, the medication weighing me down still. 

"Shut up"

"That wasn't a no!"

"Delilah stop pestering the poor boy" 

I listened to the conversation as I continued to try to open my eyes. It didn't take me that long which I was thankful for. "Can we stop talking about this, she's my baby sister for Christ's sake."

"I swear man, I'm not-"

"Oh save it, I know you like her" Jared smirked and I cleared my throat. "Aury" His smirk turned into a bright smile and he rushed over to my side. "How are you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything?"

"Water" I whispered and he began to pour me a glass. "Thank you, what are you guys doing in here?"

"To be with you silly. Now, how much of the conversation did you hear?"

"Just what Jared said about knowing someone likes someone" I lied and they all nodded, Ben with a relieved look on his face and a light blush on his cheeks. I tried to sit up but a sharp pain went through my back making me panic. 

"Be careful of your stitches, I just put those in, we found a broken claw from a rouge in your back, probably from the battle a week and a half ago, and because of the rock, it was pushed in deep. It missed everything important so the operation went very well" Dr. Jones explained as she walked into the room. She placed some flowers on the table then helped me sit up. "From your pack"

I smiled at the flowers. I'll have to thank the pack later. My parents came into the room a little while later and my friends left to give us some family time. "I'm so glad you're okay," Dad said as he kissed my forehead. "For now on you are staying next to your brother's side"

"No," I whined. "He wasn't even the one who helped me"

"The point is we want you with someone at all times, someone from our pack," mom said with a little more meaning behind it. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

I can't wait until I'm eighteen.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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