《Three: Training》

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*Ben's P.O.V.*

I glared at the fallen tree that lay in the middle of the path to the lake. "Son, I'm not sure you're ready to move that by yourself. Let's just get the chainsaws" Dad said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I just shrugged it off and stubbornly said "No I can do it" I heard him sigh behind me and could just tell he was shaking his head at me.

"Ben, you're not strong enough. I get it you're the eclipse wolf and should be able to rip fully grown redwood trees, roots and all, from the ground, but you're barely eighteen. You can't even control your wolf when he daydreams about somewhere in Alaska" he replied with that same calm voice. I hate when he does that.

"Maybe it's that damn medicine" I grumbled "maybe it's blocking my powers. Are you sure Mr. Jennings isn't trying to block my powers?"

"Mr. Jennings has been your doctor for all of your life. You're just not strong enough. Come on, let's call it a day" he turned and started walking back to the house. I tried to lift the tree one last time and like all my other attempts it failed to move.

I quickly ran back home and when I got there I felt a wave of all sorts of emotions hit me. I felt excitement, nervousness, and slight irritation. Most unmated wolves are hoping to find their mates, including myself.

Mom and Dad also told me the element wolves are apart of the pack that's visiting, I hope they are able to teach me about using powers. I walked by everyone and up the stairs to my room.

I turned on my stereo and grabbed the bottle of medicine. Then Jeremy, Nick, and Emily came in. "Hello master Ben" Emily said as if I were a Jedi master.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked putting the bottle down. They all made themselves comfortable.

"I heard that the Alpha's son and daughter are coming as well" Emily blurted before anyone else could.

"You heard that from me!" Nick yelled and pounced to tackle Em but she dodged it and he smacked into the wall. We all laughed as he rubbed his head. "Not funny" he whined.

"It's pretty funny" Jeremy said in between a few chuckles.

"Where did you guys hear this? My dad said that the Alpha wasn't bringing his kids at all"

"Your dad got a phone call when he got back from a walk and told our dads while we were in the room" Jeremy replied.

"Oh, ok"

"Your markings are starting to show" Emily said poking the moon on my left arm. I pulled my arm away from her and playfully glared at her. She tried to poke me again but I moved again before she could.

"Em stop!" I growled again. She pounced on me and sent us both tumbling to the ground. We wrestled for a bit until I pinned her down.

"Fine! You win. O'ben kenobi" she huffed and I got off of her. I turned and saw Jeremy and Nick give us a weird look and exchange glances. "I've gotta go, warrior training time" Em said and walked out of the room.

"Do you think she's your mate?" Nick asked once we all knew she was gone.

"I don't know, she's like a sister to me"

"I don't think she thinks the same about you. Looks like someone has a crush" Jeremy said. They both just smiled at me and I shook my head.

I rolled my eyes at them "She doesn't have a crush on me, you guys are just imagining things"

"Who's got a crush on you?" Vanessa asked from the doorway.

"No one, why are you here?" I asked, she's never really been to my room.

"Alpha Chase wants to see you all, and I was sent to get you" we got up and walked out to where Dad was. When he saw us he smiled and gestured for us to sit.

"I just received news that Nightly Moon pack will be bringing teenagers. They originally didn't plan on doing so but they are now. Since you are future Alpha, Beta, and Third, and they will be on our lands, they are your responsibility to watch over"

"So you're saying we'll be the Alpha, Beta and Third of the teens from this pack and the Nightly Moon pack?" Jeremy asked

"Yes, that is what I am say. The son of the Alpha and Beta from Nightly Moon will also help, so no fighting with them" he gave us all a look and we nodded. "Alright, training starts in twenty minutes, quickly get some food and head out to the field"

We all got up and headed to the kitchen. "Ben!" A sweet little voice yelled. My cousin Jamie yelled and jumped into my arms. Jamie is five years old and is the sweetest little girl, she's like a little sister to me.

"Hey Ben, how are you?" My aunt Carmen asked as she gave me a hug as well. They went on some trip for a few months and are apparently home now.

"I'm great"

"My sister told me what happened" she said as she pulled away. "Tell the truth"

"I'm fine, I'm great. Yes it still happens, but it doesn't mean I'm not great" I explained then quickly grabbed an apple and walked out still holding Jamie.

"Ben?" she whispered softly

"Yeah Jamie"

"Can I watch you practice your magic?"

"Of course" I set her down and then Dad, Henry, Leland, Nick, and Jeremy came out. Dad worked with me, Henry with Nick, and Leland with Jeremy.

"Throw them" Dad said pointing to a few knives that were lied out on the ground. I grabbed one and instantly dropped it.

"Ow, Dad is that silver?" I asked as I looked at my finger tips. It hurt.

"Yes, only the silver wolf can hold those" he said smugly. "You use your powers and hit the target" he pointed to the target which was thirty feet away hanging on the trunk of a tree. You'd think since I were son of the silver wolf I'd be able to touch silver too.

I nodded and lifted one of the knives. I focused really hard and sent it flying threw the air, and missed the target by a few inches. I sighed and tried again and again.

"Don't focus on anything, imagine that's a rouge, coming to attack, you need to defend yourself and fight back" Dad said calmly standing next to Jamie who was watching with interest dancing in her eyes. I took a deep breath and lifted one more up and focused in on the tree.

Then I saw something behind the tree. I could just make out the form, it was a wolf. His eyes held a wild, evil look. I sniffed the air and I could smell the disgusting filth smell of rouge.

I quickly sent the knife flying towards it as fast as I could send it and yelled at the top of my lungs "Rouges!"

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