《Four: Switching Bodies》

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*Ben's P.O.V.*

"Run!" Dad yelled as he handed me Jamie. Nick, Jeremy, and I booked it back to the pack house as warriors ran out to help. I handed Jamie to my aunt and quickly ran back outside, Nick and Jeremy not far behind me.

We ran to were rouges came pouring out of the woods and into the field where our pack was, ready to fight. Two came running at me expecting me to be weak since I hadn't shifted yet. I raised my hand up in the air and one of the wolves started levitating.

He was growling madly as the other one kept charging towards me. I forcefully moved my hands down and the wolf I lifted in the air slammed into the the back of the other one. I could hear the sickening crack of both of their backs as they collided.

They both lied lifeless on the ground after that. I turned to see three wolves on Jeremy and quickly flicked two away using my powers. They both looked over at me and charged. I felt my wolf stir and he did something. I could hear one of their thoughts "oh I can't wait to sink my teeth into him" it growled in its mind.

"Stop" I commanded and one of them did. The other who was behind him gave him a weird look and kept running towards me. "Attack" my wolf said and the wolf who stopped attacked the other rouge.

"Since when could we control wolves?"

"Not just wolves, and for a while. You just haven't been training" Ian replied. I quickly shifted and quickly snapped the neck of the rouge I controlled and the rouge he was fighting.

I felt something heavy ram into me making me fall over. I looked to my right and a rouge launched himself at me. I tried to move out of the way but I wasn't fast enough. He landed on me and bit into my shoulder making me howl in pain. I growled and then Ian took over completely.

I kept seeing a different forest, one covered in snow. Then I was back to seeing the battlefield for a spilt second and then I saw the snowy forest. It was like I was changing channels, back and forth. "What's happening?" A thought asked.

I started to panic a bit. That wasn't me, or Ian. It was a new voice. "Where is this place? Ow!" The voice howled again as I felt teeth sink into my back but I couldn't see where the rouge was. I was all alone in this snowy forest.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice a little shaky. Hopefully he didn't catch that.

"Who am I? No who are you?"

"I asked you first" I demanded back as Alphaly as possible.

"I'm Austin Millson. Son of Evan and Daniel Millson. Who are you?"

"I'm Ben Morgans. Son of Alpha Chase and Luna Mona Morgans" he slightly gasped

"I switched bodies with an alpha's son?"

"We switched bodies?"

"What would you call seeing what the other sees and controlling them?"

"Switching bodies . . .but how? I don't know you, we can't be connected, can we?"

"I'm not sure. This hasn't even happened to my twin sister and I. Well not like this exactly. Why are you in battle right now?"

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